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The act of forgiving
Is an art long forgotten.
The simple courtesy of a smile
Is today,a thing of the past.

Today we live in a world
Where smile is just an emoji,
Apple and Twitter ceases to exist
As sweet gifts of Mother Nature!

Blinded by ignorance
And deafened by lies,
Made numb with greed
And dumb with pride,

We run and run and run
In our struggle to survive,
With an empty heart
And a brimming pocket.

But there is something which
We left far behind..
Fragments of which
Would spread fragrance of bliss..

Yes!To love,to bow,
To give,to forgive,
To share,to care,
To Live and Let Live

To sing with the birds
To dance in the rains
To go with the winds
And forget all the pains.

All this we forgot
As for gold we sought
And more things we bought
But we never gave it a second thought!

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