Chapter 4: Seeing Through The Lens Part 2

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Ysabelle's daily routine consist mainly of staying inside the mansion as per the House Master's order. She of all the members of the family was treated like a prisoner although she wasn't even one. Alfon's reason was simple and that was to guard her welfare. She didn't thought much of it though, but sometimes, when the moon was so high and mystical, or the rainbow was spouting beautiful colors over the horizon, or the sun was brightly shining in the blue sky, she desired to go out of the mansion with her digital SLR camera in hand.

This was exactly what she did early in the morning with Alfon's permission. Without any companion, she went straight ahead to the City of Prague where there she knew she would catch numerous lively activities in the streets, establishments or parks.

The Plaza Citadelli was where she headed for the remainder of her excursion. It was actually her favorite place among the rest of the city's plaza as it had the one photo subject she had liked so much and it was the center fountain. Click by click, she took as much as she could of almost all she could see inside the garden: the greenery surrounding her, the shrubs full of flowery details, the children's playfulness, happy families passing her, the colorful balloons in the vendor's hand, and even one simple gesture of kindness, she was able to capture on film.

The scene showed a man wearing a loose cotton white shirt bending over in front of a little girl and handing her two rolls of pastries without hesitation. He had a warm smile on his face that showed of sincerity. Ysabelle knew she just had to immortalize it in a photo.

And immortalize it she did with one click of the camera, smiling when she looked at the shot in the preview screen. She choose the protect icon of her gadget to preserve the photo knowing it was a capture she needed to print. Acting like a professional photographer that she is, she continued her job taking pictures on other sights, turning away from the man and the little girl.

Photography was one of Ysabelle's fine pleasures when not inside the mansion, but even so, when she is staying in her room, the photos she had captured during the day, she prints it in her mini studio area. It was a hobby she had taken an instant liking since she was first introduced to it...many, many years so to say.

Feeling tired, she decided to sit at a vacant area in the fountain's base. Although it was a hot weather, she didn't mind the burn of the sun at all. She even had a fun time watching a group of children playing with a skipping rope.

It was normal for her to observe the happenings in her front. She had always been a silent watcher in many, many occasions of her life; always been the wallflower of her family. However, never had she imagined that by this time — this early morning in particular — she would be the one being watched at. Sensing that someone was looking, she glanced to where she felt a pair of eyes observed her.

She immediately blushed seeing a man staring at her intently. It was the same man earlier who kindly gave two pastry rolls to the beggar girl. He was handsome, she thought. As handsome as the statue of the Sun God, Apollo, standing meters away from his back. Ysabelle could well admit to herself that he could be a good subject in her photographs. An interesting model to be exact.

Unable to notice his piercing eyes earlier, this time, she found it clearer. For the first time, his gaze made her feel two things. First, it made her feel bare all throughout; as if her soul was a display and he alone could see right through it, particularly all the secrets that she hid. Second is, it made her feel stripped out of her clothes — nude, so to say — but there was no sense of wickedness with it at all. No lust — the usual that she had seen in most men she encountered in her Uncle's parties. How could a stranger make her feel emotions that she had long thought nonexistent? She couldn't create an answer, but truly, it unnerved her.

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