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Soooooo I realized people want a part two, but I'm not going to make it, sadly. I'm actually going to delete this book soon, so read through again before it goes!

I also wanted to point out comments. There have been many things that annoy the fudge sticks out of me. Ex:

-advirtising (I don't care if I spelled that wrong)

People who advirtise on other people's books are seriously just RUDE. How about u just message people instead of going to someone else's book to tell people about! F off. I've deleted so many comments about other people's books.

-Spelling errors.

I don't give a duck if I spell some word wrong. You think you spell well? Go to a spelling bee not my page.


That doesn't make any sense! That's stupid!

Your the dumbass who's caring.

And If I get any comments like these on this authors note; I will personally talk to you about it in message.

I still love the people who liked this, so have a good day~ :)

Levi x Reader lemonWhere stories live. Discover now