Our Favourite Things

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1) Just read this link. It should be an essential in everyone's life. If you can't be bothered to read it all, scroll down to the parody... you'll see why we love it...

LINK: http://otahyoni.livejournal.com/130432.html

2) Twilight Trailer spoof video on youtube. If you haven't seen this already, SEE IT NAO! Edward Cullen sharpening his teeth with a pencil sharpener... classic ;)

LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dompotjTeIA

3) We think Stephanie Meyer should have used THIS Twilight cover...

LINK: http://kerothehetetic.deviantart.com/art/twilight-101044333

4) EDWARD CULLEN v HARRY POTTER! Place your bets here! (lol) This comic is a must-see. Potter totally pwns Diggor- sorry, I mean Cullen ;)

LINK: http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs38/f/2008/330/b/b/bbd82601631ca9387c5a28b9e5799582.png

Our Favourite ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now