Our Favourite Things (2)

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1) Renesmee. What were her parents first reactions...? (LOL) This cartoon is a great parody of Meyer's version!

LINK: http://kyrn.deviantart.com/art/Twilight-Spoilers-104908628

2) Edward carrying Bella... Just take a minute to check out this piccy. You won't regret it!

LINK: http://roflrazzi.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/celebrity-pictures-stewart-pattinson-walk.jpg

3) All-time favourite website.

LINK: http://www.twilightsucks.com

4) How did Edward REALLY become a vampire? Well, do you remember Cedric Diggory...? Quite a long link, but worth it! Just copy + paste it in your browser to see the cartoon :)

LINK: http://th06.deviantart.net/fs38/300W/i/2008/362/4/a/twilight_parody__the_truth_by_BelialMadHatter.jpg

Enjoy! x

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