Marson vs Zalgo

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Marson breathed in sharply as he readied to lash out on his former master. He knew that he had no chance fighting the God of the Underworld, but he had to try. Try his crazy plan. He gripped tightly on his sword as he made his fighting stance and glared at the demon. Zalgo only smirked at him, eyes full of confidence. He simply crossed his arms and waited for Marson to make his move. And he did. Marson swiftly disappeared, engulfed in darkness. Zalgo let his guard up and looked down at his shadow, awaiting the attack.


Marson descended from above Zalgo as he slashes him. Marson knelt to the ground as he held his pose.

"Hehehehehe! Pathetic!" Zalgo cackled.

Marson's eye widened as he turns around to see him gone. Suddenly, Zalgo appeared in front of him and landed a kick to his jaw. Marson flew back and rebounded with a backflip. Zalgo then rushed in to Marson who just reached the ground and threw in a punch. Marson reluctantly blocked it. But Zalgo was willing to throw in more than one. He gave Marson a combo of attacks. Marson doing his best to block them, stepping back on every attack, until he found an opening and quickly countered Zalgo's attack by grabbing his arm and throwing him to the ground with brute force, enough to crack it the very ground. He then quickly summoned the shadows and restrained Zalgo down. He then made them engulf him and squeezed Zalgo to a pulp until guts flew out. Marson stared at his work in doubt.

"He's not dead..." Marson muttered under his breath.

He then swiftly turned around and blocked Zalgo's deathly attack. His claw inches away from the one-eyed murderer.

"Well done, Marsy~ But!" Zalgo trailed off as his clone got behind Marson and thrusted his claws through his chest, splurting blood everywhere.

"Gah!" Marson exclaimed as he felt claws penetrate through his back and out of his chest, blood dripping down the open wound.

Zalgo then pulled his claws out letting Marson fall to his knees, covering the bleeding wound.

"Had enough yet?" Zalgo taunted.

A cocky chuckle escaped the demon's mouth. "Oh please... As if a mere stab like that could bring me down..."

An irritated glare appears on Zalgo's face at the remark of his ex-subordinate. "Don't be too over yourself, Marson. Remember, I  made you. I  turned you into this!"

The demon-samurai stood up and looked Zalgo in the eye, mind full of confidence. "Who said creations can't turn against their creators...?"

And with that, Marson disappeared in a flash, leaving shadowy mists in the air. Zalgo instinctively looked around himself. He looked down to see a certain shadow looming above him. Smirking, he raised his claw to counter the attack.

"The same attack won't work on me twice!" he said confidently as he looked up. Turns out the space above him was clearly empty. He was baffled for a moment before realizing it and then looking down. "What?!"

Marson jumped out of the shadows beneath Zalgo and plunged his sword into Zalgo's chest, the sword protruding out of the demon's back. Zalgo lets out a cough. He was taken aback by the attack and glared at the one-eyed demon.

"Why you...!" Zalgo growled.

Marson merely smirked and pulled out his sword before jumping back. "Didn't see that one coming, did you...?"

Zalgo spat blood out and started towards Marson, his wound healing gradually. "You're testing my patience, boy!"

The demon charged at him with such blinding speed that Marson was not capable of seeing through it. He blasted out a barrier of darkness to block his enemy out. Zalgo smashed against the shield and glared at Marson from the outside.

"Coward!!" Zalgo yelled.

"It's called self defense..." Marson replied. He waved his hand and spikes suddenly spring out from the barrier, puncturing Zalgo and trapping him on the barrier's surface. The demon lets out a scream of pain as his arms, legs and body were stabbed with long dark spikes. Marson easily stepped out of his shield and went around Zalgo. His glare menacing and full of hatred. He stopped beside him and drank in the sight of the demon who is in pain. An evil smirk crept up his lips as he leaned in closer to Zalgo.

"How does it feel? To be in such pain." Marson taunted sadistically.

"F-Fuck off!" Zalgo snarled as he tried to pull himself out of the spikes.

In one swift swing, the tip of Marson's sword dangerously pointed at the demon's neck. He rests it just at the base of Zalgo's neck and pressed down enough to draw little blood.

"This is your last chance..." Marson growled. "Do your side of the deal or else your head will be sent flying..."

Zalgo merely cackled at the threat. "Bring back your parents?! Don't be silly! There's nothing I can do for them now. Once they're dead, it's over."

An angry growl escaped Marson lips and pressed down harder. "Then you leave me no choice..."

Zalgo's eyes widen in fear. The sword already digging down into his neck, increasing the pain and possibility of death. "Hey look, I'm sorry okay?? Let's work this out! Perhaps we could settle on something else! What else do you want?? Peace?? I could give it to you--"

"YOU HAVE TAKEN AWAY THAT PEACE!!!" Marson snapped. The winds reacted violently at his sudden outburst. Trees swayed violently as the atmosphere tensed. Darkness dimmed their surroundings. "ALL I WANTED ARE MY PARENTS BACK AND TO LIVE A HAPPY LIFE! WHAT ELSE CAN YOU GIVE ME?? DESPAIR?!"

Zalgo was speechless. He stared at the man, terrified. He's starting to regret ever angering this demon. He trembled in his fury.


And in an instant, blood spurted out into the air as Marson plunged his sword into Zalgo's neck. And as if it isn't enough, he drove his sword down, slicing the demon in two before dicing up the rest of the body into pieces. Marson was coated in blood. The ground forming a pool of it too. The barrier dispersed and Marson fell silent. His glare fixated on the remains of his enemy. "Goodbye..." he muttered before sheathing in his weapon.

But as he turned away, he felt the ground shake. His eye widened slightly as he looked around. The ground beneath his feet started to crack. He noticed this and jumped far back before the ground swallowed him up. Then came out giant horns and started to rise up into view. Marson's eye widened once more at the sight.

Zalgo rose from the ground as enormous giant. He rose up until his torso. He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked down at his enemy. "You think you've seen the last of me, Marson?!" Zalgo then slammed his palm onto the ground where Marson is in an attempt to squish him. But with Marson's speed, he managed to jump away before it landed on him.

"I will end you right here, right now!!!" Zalgo declared as he started to glow red.

Marson gritted his teeth in frustration. He's already used up a good amount of energy. How will it be enough to defeat this beast? Nonetheless, he pulled out his sword and gripped it tightly, ready to engage back into battle. He'd rather die fighting than to give up.


*AN* How long has it been since I've left? Years? Man, I'm deeply sorry for my absence... I was already thinking of leaving this unfinished. Buuuut my OCD tells me to finish what I've started. I've honestly lost interest in Creepypasta already, hence why I've neglected this story. But hopefully I'll get to finish this so I won't sleep uneasy tonight. That's all for now, guys.

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