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---- Masky's POV ----

"My head hurts... I feel dizzy... My vision is blurry... I can't... Walk.... What... What am I supposed to do...?"  I thought to myself as I walked down the cemented hall. I kept leaning on the wall for support as I walked. "What happ...ened to me anyway? Why... Did I act like this...? Am I... Going to lose my sanity? Am I gonna die...? Am I sick?" I keep thinking to myself.

As I walked from corridor to corridor, I finally found the exit. I picked up my pace despite how I'm feeling, to reach the door. As I reached out to take it, my body instantly stopped. I looked down to see my body wrapped around the black, shadowy, mist. No doubt, it's One-Eyed. As I turned my head around, I saw him. Standing there in complete confidence. It's like a didn't even kill him.

"You think you can get rid of me so easily? Well... You're wrong." As he said that, he pulled me back again.

I tried so hard to break free until I found HIS weakness. I struggled to reach my pocket to grab my lighter but I couldn't move. Finally, I passed under a light bulb and saw One-Eyed's shadow weakening and made it as my advantage. I forcefully ripped the shadow off me and grabbed my small flashlight instead.

"It's a good thing I packed this guy before I left the mansion." I thought as I quickly turned it on.

"Oh, so you figured my weakness out. Good job. No wonder Slenderman made you his right-hand man." He said monotonously. "But... I always have my sword." He smirked as he whipped his sword out and pointed it at me. "Gomenasai... But... I have no other choice..."

"No other choice?" I repeated him but not until he charged at me.

I was losing my conciousness and that isn't good. I kneeled to the ground and gripped my head in pain. And that was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.


The next thing I then knew was that I was lying outside on the grass in the forest. I sat up rubbing my head and noticed that the pain was gone. I stood up swiftly without any dizziness or some sort. I felt better. Only tired. I then started to walk around trying to get back to the mansion but I couldn't find anything familiar. A few hours of walking later made me exausted. I was completely lost. It then started to rain. I went under a big tree and sat there for awhile waiting for it to stop.

"I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind the rain...~" I started to sing quietly trying to kill some time.

I then started to scan the premises trying to find something. And I did. At the distance I saw a note. I was very glad to see it. And once I take it, Master Slender will teleport to me. I hurridly stood up and ran towards it. I ran to the note and it said "Help Me"  What a stroke  of luck. I need some help right now. And without hesitation, I took the note out of the tree. A few minutes of waiting later, I heard ringing in my ears.

"Finally..." I said in relief.

Master Slender appeared. "Masky?!" He said surprised.

"Greetings, Master." I weakly smiled.

"Thank goodness you're alright! Come, let's get you back to the mansion." He said holding my shoulder.

It turned into a blurry daze for a second, and afterwards, I was in the mansion's living room. First, I saw Toby watching TV.

"Oh, hello Master Slend-.... Masky!! You're back!" Toby jumped off the couch, ran to me and hugged me. "Masky!! I was worried sick!!" He broke the hug. "What did Zalgo do to you huh?! Did he hurt you?! Oh, if he hurt you, I'm gonna slice his balls off with my hatchets!!"

"Calm down, Toby. I'm fine, I barely made it, though." I said giving him a gentle smile.

"Yay! That's Masky for ya!" He happily smiled.

"Toby, child. Would you go and call Hoody?" Slender asked him.

"Of course! He will be so happy! I'll be back!!" And Toby ran off.

"*sigh* Those two were so worried about you. Hoody wouldn't even eat because of it." Slender gently smiled.

"Really? I'm sorry..."

"No, it's alright. The important thing is, you're back and safe."

"Thanks." I grinned.

A few seconds later, I heard running coming down the stairs and there he is... Standing across the room.

"M-Masky...?" Hoody said in shock.

"Hehe. Hi Hoody..." I greeted.

"Masky!!!" Hoody ran and hugged  me so tight and I hugged back.

"Masky... You... You made me so worried!" Hoody cried. And I could feel a bit of tears on my shoulder too.

"Shh... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you so worried." I comforted him while rubbing his back.

He then broke the hug and stared at me.

"Masky, did Zalgo or any of his men hurt you? Or did anything bad to you?" Hoody asked worried.

"Yes, child... Tell us what happened." Master Slender added up.



"And that's all that happened." I explained.

"I see... At least it's great to have you back." Master comforted.

"I still don't understand why I felt that way before I got out. And what happened to One-Eyed back there..." I added.

"It is probably your 'bad' side has come out."

"Bad side?"

"Yes. You are aware that at times your personality changes into Tim, right?"


"That is not the only one you transform into, child."


"When your body loses it's energy or gets exausted, your 'bad' side comes out, making you a ruthless killing machine. You were never aware because you black out before that occurs. It is possiblethat you have killed One-Eyed during the fight and got out before you awoke."

"I did?"

"Do you not notice the many blood-stains on your jacket and pants, child?"

I looked down and saw that I was covered in blood. Is this One-Eyed's blood or mine...? My eyes widen as I realized I had no scratches on me. It must be One-Eyed's.

"See, child? You are that powerful. You are just not aware...."

"Dang, Masky... I never knew you were like this the whole time. " Toby added in shock.

"Masky..." Hoody said in concern.

"It is alright, child... You know how to control it, that is why everyone has never had the experience about your 'other side' " Slender comforted in a soothing voice while rubbing my back.

"Hopefully..." I said worried.

"Okay, you must go now and rest. There are more plenty more things to discuss." Slender notified me as he stood up and went up the stairs.

I nodded, stood up, and gestured Hoody and Toby 'bye'. Instead, the two of them also stood up and ran up beside me.

"Yeah... It's getting late so I should also get some shut-eye." Toby grinned.

"Me too. It's been a long day." Hoody added.

"Very well, then." I smiled at both of them and went up the stairs with them.

Toby parted with us as he went to his own room before waving at us 'bye' while me and Hoody waved back and went to ours. We took our masks off, and went to bed.

The Battle Between Zalgo and Slenderman's ProxiesWhere stories live. Discover now