Chapter 5

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The only things I grabbed before leaving to Jordun's house were my phone charger and my purse, in it contents ranged from make up to extra clothes to breath mints.

As we pull up to the magnificent home of his, he parks his car, opens my door, and helps me out. He's such a gentleman. He intertwines our fingers lovingly, walking me to his front door. He unlocks the door, pushing it open. The large house felt empty since no one was home.

"I hate how quiet it is around here. It seems as if the human interaction is at an all time low here. It's terrible," Jordun says to me, shutting the door. No pets come running to the door, and his parents aren't home, as previously stated; his home isn't normal, and neither is mine.

"It's the same way at my house; you're not alone baby," I tell him reassuringly, pressing my warm pink lips to his cheek softly as he looks down at the ground, nearly looking embarrassed at the fact that he doesn't communicate with anyone out of school much. "I'm here."

He grins sweetly down at me, leaving a small kiss on the tip of my nose. "Yeah, that much is true. At least I have you," he says with a lovely straight smile.

Jesus Christ. Even his smile is perfect. Princeton's was better, if I'm honest. I don't know how, but I'm more intrigued by Princeton than Jordun.

He seemed more of a free spirit; he had the personality that I had always wanted to be allowed to have. He seemed like the perfect combination of equal parts of brains and courtesy, though also had a certain vibe that he gave off. It was mysterious yet inviting. He definitely seemed different than any guy I had ever seen, due to my going to a private school for the duration of my school life. Everyone dressed in formal clothing and strived to be as uninteresting and bland as their parents and teachers. Princeton wore and did what he wanted. On anyone besides him, I might question their sanity and taste in clothing, but it works ultimately for him.

Once again, I'm yanked back into reality by Jordun giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "C'mon; I'll show you around upstairs," he said softly, leading me up the stairs. If I'm honest, I got a bit nervous. Why didn't I think this through? I'm alone in a huge house with a 17 year old boy. Have I gone mad? Obviously.

He pushes open the door to his bedroom, which is fairly large and spacious. It was nice, really. A full king-sized bed sat against the wall in front of a television, which looked brand new and hardly used. The door leading into his also large bathroom stood open, and the smell of his sweet cologne drifted through the atmosphere, making me smile a bit. My smile widens as his arms wrap firmly around my waist and his head rests gently on my shoulder after he presses his lips to it.

"Liking what you see, beautiful?" he whispers with a smile. I didn't even need to turn around to know he was smiling at me, as it was very evident in his voice.

"Absolutely," I say to him, turning my head to rest against his as he kept the prior position. He kissed my cheek softly before kissing right in front of my ear.

Holy shit with the butterflies.

I place my arms gently over his as they remain wrapped round my waist. Whilst standing there, my phone gave out a blaring ring. I sigh, knowing I'd have to move from the comfortable and lovely position I was in with Jordun. I hesitantly answer my phone when I see the contact. Mom.

I put the phone to my ear, very unwilling to have a conversation with her. "Hello, mother," I say blandly into the phone as I sit with Jordun on the bed.

"It's about time you answered me properly," she says with a snide tone in her voice. Gag. "Listen, your father and I won't be home tonight. You'll have to maintain everything at home. Am I clear?"

I roll my eyes, looking down. "Yes, mother. See you soon," I say, hanging up with a sigh. Jordun pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me, knowing that the silence speaks volumes compared to actual words. We end up going to bed shortly after that, cuddled up tightly under the duvet. The same dream occurred to me. The kiss was the same. The look in his eyes was the same. The look on the boys' faces was the same. Everything was the same.

I raise up in bed, careful not to disturb Jordun. I sigh quietly, resting my head in my hands. What am I going to do?

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