Chapter 1. Science

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Jack's POV

Alright class, this way" Mrs. Gothel, our high school teacher, said.

She walked in front of the class, leading us down the long hallway. Many completed tests were on display for us to look at. Not that I cared. I wasn't here for that. None of us were. When I say this, I speak of my friends and I.

I was best friends in class with Merida, the red headed, Scottish tomboy. Whom, I will admit, I take a liking to. Rapunzel, the bright spirited, sweet, and friendly artist. And last, but definitely not least, Hiccup. The nerdy, yet friendly, considerate, and courageous one of the group.

Not to mention, he's five months older than me, three months older than Merida,
and nine months older than Punzie. He's the one who insisted we all attend this class field trip. You see we actually had the option to come or not. Sadly, Hiccup had insisted we go.

Most irritated about this was Merida. Everyone knows she'd rather be curled up on the couch, eating cheese puffs and ice cream, while watching Mean Girls. Quite frankly, I'd like to be doing it with her than being stuck here. But, Hiccup had been wanting to do a tour like this forever. He wanted to know as much as he could about this company. Sure, Lifestyle Science was rather secretive about stuff, but what company isn't? Was that really necessary enough to have to basically spy on them? Guess so.

Hiccup's POV

I had been taking notes of everything I saw and heard. So far, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Just seemed like they were running tests on animals to find cures for stuff, build new machines, etc. That is, until we got to the other half of the building.

"I'm sorry to say it, class. But we cannot go through this part of the billing. I've been told it is top secret, and must not be traveled through by anyone but employees" Mrs. Gothel explained.

Some students whined in disappointment, while others sighed in relief. I merely squinted my eyes in suspicion. What was in that whole other half of the building that needed to be kept secret so badly?

"Hold on, madam. I think we can still give the children a tour" A man said, waking up to the teacher.

He was wearing a white lab coat, was fairly tall, and had a mustache. All of it was totally cliche. Except for the tall part.

"I'm scientist Isles. You may call me Hans though. I know we don't usually let people through here, but I believe we can make an exception this once. The students seem eager and curious. Follow me" Hans said, swiping his keycard and unlocking the door.

There was also a pad, so I assumed you could type in the numbers from your keycard as well. Useful. I payed close attention to eveyrying he did. It took three different codes to open three different doors. Good thing I put a spy bug in my hair to keep track and record everything it saw.

We walked into the new area, looking at all the different machines that had been produced over the years. Unfortunately, we weren't aloud to take notes in this area of the building. After all, it was top secret.

"And here is where we perform tests on the animals. All different kinds are kept here. And we've made many revolutionary break throughs with some. For instance, the urine in a specific type of monkey, can cure Scarlett fever" Doctor Hans said, pointing to the monkey in a pin.

"Next, we have an owl that, once trained by a parrot, gained the ability to speak. Although, he doesn't speak much."

We looked at the owl for a minute. It sat on its perch high up, staring in the opposite direction. Everyone was urged along, but I hung back for a minute. It must've sensed my presence, because it turned it's head around to look.

"Be weary. She controls it all" It growled in a deep tone before turning its head back to the wall again.

I blinked a few times before moving on to catch up with the group. I could've sworn I heard a screeching noise a little later, but thought nothing of it.

Third person POV

The owl opened its eyes again and looked up at the camera in the corner of its large cage. It sighed as the camera turned to glare at it, and a small tube appeared. From the tube, a laser shot straight through his chest, through his heart, and out his back. The owl screeched in pain before plummeting to the bottom of the cage, dead before he even hit the bottom.

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