Their moment (Klaus and Caroline)

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Klaus had driven Caroline home from homecoming and even came inside with her. Caroline's mother was working the night shift so she wasn't home to see Caroline in a fragile state. Klaus made Caroline sit on the couch that was in the living room and went to go make her a hot cup of hot chocolate. Klaus knew that whenever the love of his life was upset she would always want to drink hot chocolate because it made her feel safe and secure. When he was finished he walked into the living room and saw Caroline silently crying over the events that happened that night. She looked to Klaus and he handed her the hot chocolate.

"Thank you" she said.

"Its just hot chocolate" Klaus replied.

"Not for the hot chocolate, for saving me tonight" Caroline was grateful. She definitely wasn't planning on what happened tonight to ever happen.

"I'll always be there for you love" he responded.

"I know and it should have been you that I went with but of course my stubbornness got in the way of that as usual" Caroline sniffled.

"I know why you didn't go with me and I am so sorry that you found out the way you did" Klaus said as he grabbed her hand in his. "I love you Caroline, not her. She meant nothing to me, I swear it" Klaus pleaded with her. Klaus wanted Caroline, not that whore Stacey. Everyone in the entire school knew that Klaus wanted Caroline and vice versa. The two were soul mates and no one in school ever tried to jeopardies it besides Tyler and that was a death wish waiting to happen.

"I love you Klaus" Caroline said before continuing. "That's why it hurt to find that out. I wanted to believe it was a lie but when you confirmed it, it ripped my heart right out of my chest."

"I know and I am so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?" Klaus begged. Caroline looked into his eyes and put down her hot chocolate. Make up sex was also the best but she also knew he was still angry at the turn of events that happened earlier that night and knew for a fact that the sex would be good either way. She straddled his lap and crashed her lips to his before pulling away.

"You're forgiven" she said but he crashed his lips to hers and began groping her ass which made Caroline moan in pleasure. When Caroline began unbuckling his pants he pulled away.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm not a virgin. You took care of that" Caroline smiled seductively.

"I'm not going to be holding back I hope you know that" Klaus said as he grinded up to her crouch which caused her to moan.

"I don't want you to" she replied.

"Good" he said before he lifted her up as he got off the couch to go upstairs into her bedroom where he would do nothing but make sweet love to her the entire night until she asked him to stop.

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