The plan (Caroline and Klaus)

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Caroline walked over to her boyfriend with a mean look on her face. She was in the drama club so hopefully Klaus bought her performance. Rebekah spotted her coming and tapped her big brother. Klaus turned with a smirk but it instantly dropped when he saw her face.

"What's wrong love?"

"What's wrong? Why is Stacy telling me you two hooked up?" Caroline asked with her hands on her hips.

"I swear it was one night before we started dating" Klaus admitted and Caroline had to keep the act going even though deep down she wanted to cry because the whore Stacy slept with her boyfriend.

"I don't care, I'm not having that whore's sloppy seconds."

"What are you saying Caroline?" Klaus asked even though he knew the answer.

"We're done" Caroline said before she walked away and kept her head up in confidence but tears were coming to her eyes and she blinked them away. She heard Klaus calling her but kept on walking.

*In class*

Caroline told her best friends what happened and they were there for emotionally support. Caroline was shocked when she saw Klaus walk in right behind Kol along with the other seniors. Caroline saw Kol look to Elena who pretended to be doodling in her note book.

"Okay class, since we're in Gym class I thought it would be best if we combined the Juniors and the Seniors. So get into groups of two before I begin" Mr. Poppy said to the class. Since Bonnie was pregnant she was able to go straight to the bench and Elena and Caroline immediately partnered up. When Klaus and Kol saw this they became partners. "Now, we will be doing a trust exercise where one of you will stand a few feet in front of your partner and fall into their arms and when I say switch, the one who caught will be the one being catched and the one who fell into their partner's arms will be the one catching. Now begin."

Caroline stood in front of Elena and she took notice that Klaus and Kol took the spot next to them and Klaus was the one being caught. When Klaus looked at Caroline she turned her head. When the whistle blew Caroline fell back and Elena caught her. Elena placed Caroline back on her feet and whispered to her best friend.

"I can't believe that they did this. How are we supposed to stay mad at them if they keep popping up?" Elena asked. She missed Kol so much and couldn't handle being away from him but she was and it broke her heart to see him upset and vulnerable.

"I know but we need to stick with this plan Elena, we need to win them back when the time is right" Caroline replied.

"Switch!" Mr. Poppy said. So the girls did just that, Elena stood in front of Caroline and turned to her right to see Kol staring right at her. Elena turned to face the front and when the whistle blew again, Elena fell into her best friend's arms.


The three best friends sat outside since they didn't feel like being at their usually table inside the school.

"So now that you two are single, what are you going to do?" Bonnie asked.

"Well I'm going to give Klaus a taste of his own medicine" Caroline said just as Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah walking out of the front door with their lunches in their hand.

"How will you do that?" Elena asked.

"Don't worry, I already have a plan" Caroline smirked.

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