Chapter one.

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The first rays of sunlight gently caressed my closed eyelids making me squeeze them slightly as I gave out a grunt of protest. Here comes the most dreaded time of the day for me: waking up to go to school! I was just about to crack open my eyes when the remembrance of a fact nearly brought me to do a somersault on my queen-sized bed. Today was the first day of the summer holidays! Well, I would have certainly did the somersault but that would imply that I would have to open my eyes and embrace the bright new day- and I was way too lazy for that and it might also be the fact that I did not know how to do one...

I rolled over- giving my back to my window- and buried my head into my soft pillow. I sighed blissfully as I started to fall into what promised to be a deep slumber when suddenly an obnoxious honk jolted me out of my bed and I landed in a tangled mess of sheets on the hard floor! I remained disoriented for a few seconds, still startled by what just happened, with my heart thumping loudly in my chest.

Snapping out of my trance, I stuggled to break free of my restraints while I was silently seething in a murderous rage. That was not the way I was looking for to start off my summer holidays! Who the hell honks in front of people's houses that early in the morning? Definitely not a sane person!

Once free, I bolted up in a standing position and went straight to the window while gingerly acknowledging the pain in my butt due to my recent encounter with the floor. I grabbed my cotton curtains in a death grip and I harshly pulled them away. My eyes widened in surprise as I took in the sight in front of me. A wave of excitement washed over me, completely draining away my anger in the progress. Yes, I had to admit that I was quite bipolar in the morning.

Two massive red trucks were in the driveway of the house next to mine. That could only mean one thing; we had new neighbours. Never in my seventeen years of life had this house been occupied. The couple living on the other side of my house was never at home and on the rare occasions that they were, they were always fighting. I just hoped that these new neighbours were more social and fun that the fighting couple... If only I knew how wrong I was..

The sound of clashing metal brought my attention to the delivery boys who were carrying huge boxes inside the house. They were working at a fast pace and in a total mechanical way. They kind of reminded me of robots. I wondered if ever I threw water on them, I would see sparks and they would burst in flames. Laughing at my silly thoughts, I watched in amusement as they entered the truck and pulled out of the driveway. I craned my neck and tried to see if I could distinguish anything at all from the inside of their house but I could see nothing. I shrugged my shoulders and went straight for the shower. I could not function properly without my morning shower- weird I know.

By ten, I was slouching on my bed while staring at my laptop's blank screen. So much for my summer holidays. Now don't get any ideas, I do have many friends but they all went out of Seattle for approximately two weeks. My parents did ask me to accompany them to New York since they had to attend a conference there but I refused just to spite them. Growing up with two lawyers as your parents was anything but easy. They were never in town. They were always moving from city to city while making sure that their children had enough money in their bank account to survive on their own. At first, I was coping with it since I had Liam, my older brother, to rely on. But, since he went away for college last year, it was just me and the empty rooms. How I wish now that I had sucked it up and accepted their offer for New York!

On the very last verge of boredom, I grabbed my phone from my bedside table to call my best friend, Niall, who was currently in Ireland. I still remember how we became friends: I shared my chocolates with him on the first day of kindergarten since he was looking at them with envy and he instantly told me that we would be best friends from now on. The memory curved my lips into a smile as I dialled his number. He picked up on the second ring with an extraordinary excited voice,

'Helloooo, this is Niall, the most awesome person on Earth!! Now now, how may I honour you with my help??'

I rolled my eyes at his introductory line while smiling softly. This boy will never ceases to amaze me.

'Oh my God! Thank you so much for even taking the time to answer my call! I totally understand that you're busy.. you know being the most awesome person on Earth and all!' I replied in mock enthusiasm while imitating his Irish accent- something I have perfected over the years.

He gave out a bark of laughter before adding,

'I knew that ONE day you would admit it! And stop doing that! I can practically hear you rolling your eyes.' And indeed I was.

'Oh shup up blondie!' I snapped playfully.

We bantered back and forth for the next half an hour until he told me that he has to go as he had to play golf. I never got why he was so obsessed with that sport!

Not wanting to die out of boredom, I slipped on my sneakers and ran down the stairs and out of the front door in a matter of seconds. Being the extrovert person that I was, I thought that introducing myself to the neighbours would be such a good idea. If only I knew what was to come...

I skipped the tiny distance separating our houses and halted to a stop in front of the intimidating wooden door. I noticed that the house was more or less the same as ours, just slightly smaller in size and a shade darker than ours. Well, usually I would never have knocked on a stranger's door just to introduce myself as if I was a crazy stalker- no matter how outgoing I was. But then again, I refuse to sit at home at risk of losing my sanity.

Taking a deep breath, I raised my hand and banged on my new neighbour's front door. After a few seconds, the latter shot open revealing a boy of about my age. My heart started beating loudly in my chest as emerald green orbs pierced my pale grey ones. It seemed as though he was staring right through my soul. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt he raked his eyes on my body- obviously checking me out. I unconsciously took notice that he was wearing black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt which clung to him like a second skin. I could see a tattoo peeking out of the sleeve on his left arm, but I was not able to distinguish its shape. I brought my eyes back to his face only to realise that his eyes were focused on my fingers which were currently playing with my auburn curls- a nervous habit of mine.

I was the one who finally broke the ice.

'H-hhey,' I silently cursed myself for stuttering. Seriously Ken! 'Hey'? That's the best you've got?

My voice seemed to have startled him as he suddenly took a step backwards and looked up at me as though I was an alien. Totally ignoring his startled look, I started rambling,

'Sooo, I am Kendra but you can call me Ken! Not that you are forced to. It's just that all of my friends call me by that name. Not that we're friends but you know what I mean yeah?.. and hey I almost forgot I am your new neighbour!'

Something which awfully resembled to annoyance flashed into his eyes as his pupils constricted into slits. He opened his mouth and was just about to say something when a distant voice came from inside his house,

'Harryyyy, who's at the door??'

He looked at me briefly then shouted back with a deep voice laced with a heavy british accent,

'No one mum! Just a mad girl!!' And with that he slammed the door straight into my face! I stared at the shut door in bewilderment as I felt my face flushed in embarrassment. I could not believe it! How can a hot guy like him be so rude??

I turned on my heels and made my way home hoping that Harry and me would never cross paths again...

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