Chapter Two.

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The next morning, I woke up startled by extremely loud rock music. I was disoriented at first, but as soon as my drowsiness faded away, devilish anger filled my veins as I realised that the music was coming from next door. What seriously??

My body was shaking vigorously- from all of my negative thoughts concerning a certain british boy- as I put on a mask of determination on my face and marched up to his front door. But then, of course, nothing went according to the plan. The Heavens must be upset with me or something as just as I raised my fist- ready to demolish the devil's door- the door flung open revealing the most annoying person on Earth. Now, I know that I should not judge him basing on our first and only encounter but the guy did slammed the door into my face and labelled me as 'a mad girl', so I would say that I earned the right to judge him.

Harry watched me from head to toe with hidden amusement in his eyes and when he noticed my fist- which was still awkwardly hanging in mid-air -he burst out laughing. I would have probably pondered upon the fact that he had a very nice laugh- it was almost like a sweet melody to the ears but unfortunately that laugh was at my expense! Glad to know that I can make him laugh like a maniac- his eyes were almost moist at this point. I could feel the heat rise up to my cheeks and neck.

'Lower the volume of the fucking loudspeaker!' I hissed while giving him a murderous glare. If looks could kill, he would have been long departed.

'Ooohhh! So she knows how to swear!!' He said in a husky but yet ridiculously sexy voice while his eyes twinkled with mischief.

'You know what? I'm incredibly proud of you Princess! Is it the first time that you said the f-word?' He quickly added in a mocking high-pitched voice.

My nostrils flared up in anger and I was hearing the pounding of my blood in my ears. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes for a split second and silently reminded myself that murder is illegal.. why God? Why?

I opened my eyes only to find him watching me as an unknown emotion flashed through his emerald green eyes. However, he quickly recovered himself and a smirk made its way on his full pink lips. What the hell just happened?

'Why can't you just turn the damn thing off?' I said in a completely monotone voice.

He raised an eyebrow at me and added in a deep voice,

'Now now Princess, I would just get used to it if I were you! The thing is that, the only way that I can wake up in the morning is if I were to listen to this kind of music,' he slowly told me as if he was explaining this to a three-year old kid. He then patted my head- or rather hit my head.

'Why did you hit me?' I asked in disbelief.

He shaked his head as though in disappointment and then added,

'I did not hit you and you should really consider washing your hair. It's a bit... oily.' He pretended to swipe his palm with his white t-shirt while scrunching his nose in fake-disgust.

My mouth fell agape at his accusation. How dare he? I knew for a fact that he was lying since I just washed my hair the day before before going to bed. I was certainly not expecting chivalry from Harry but this was so not done! Unconsciously, I raked my fingers through my hair only to find it smooth and not oily at all!

I glared at him once again and he so politely ignored me. I was just about to turn on my heels and go away from that rude neighbour of mine when he just had to open that trap of his,

'So, I'm gonna take a shower... would you like to join....'

'Don't you even dare finish that thought of yours! You obnoxious perverted jerk!' I shrieked out as my eyes bulged out of their sockets.

'Jeez, calm down! Will you Princess? I was gonna say.. would you like to join me inside the house? It is rude to interrupt while a person is talking to you!' He scolded me playfully while giving me an ''innocent'' look.

'Just shut up! And what's with the Princess?' I said with annoyance dripping in each and every single word.

'Awww, no need to be angry Princess! It's just a nickname, Princess! It just suits you, Princess!' He said in an overly-sweet voice while putting emphasis on the word ''princess''.

'Urrrgghhh! Just go to Hell!' I said as I raised my hands in exasperation.

'Only if you accompany me, Princess!'

I was definitely wrong. If rude Harry was the most annoying person on Earth, then playful Harry just belonged to another planet.

Before I could retort back, his face transformed from a playful to a serious one as he added in a low voice that almost made me shivered... almost.

'By the way Princess, I'm jealous of Mickey mouse,'

'What?' I asked hating as my voice came out as a whisper.

He took a step closer to me as I became ridiculously aware of the heat radiating from his body. He looked down the length of my body as his eyes became cloudy. I gulped audibly as his smirk widened.

That's when it hit me. I looked down at myself as I realised that I was still wearing my night clothes- an oversized white t-shirt and mickey mouse shorts... my face turned beetroot-red as Harry's words dawned on me and his close proximity did not help either.

As in suddenly realizing the situation I was in- I noticed that the music was still playing loudly and I remembered the reason that I first came here for. How I can forget the music which is literally playing so loudly? And most importantly how did Harry and I came from glaring to each other to him looking at me with lust-filled eyes?

I shaked my head as I took a step back and I tried my best to ignore the tension between Harry and I. I cleared my voice and whispered 'music' before turning my back to him and making my way home.

I gave a small smile when only two seconds later, the loud music stopped. I was just about to open my front door when Harry's voice stopped me from doing so,

'Princess!!!' He yelled from his front lawn.

'What do you want, Harry?' I asked in defeat.

'Ahh!' He said while looking at something in the driveway of my garden. I did not even bother looking at what had caught his attention. He looked at me with mischief in his eyes as he said,

'I didn't mind at all that you were actually thinking about taking a shower with me!' And with that he slammed his door shut while I felt my face flush with embarrassment. He was the one who said.... arrgghh bloody idiot!

I was just about to open my door when I noticed what Harry was looking at earlier. Dread filled my body as my face paled and my heart started beating erratically in my chest.

'Mum? Dad?...' I said in a croaked voice as my parents stared at me with wide eyes and disbelief written all over their faces....

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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