This seats taken

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Chapter 1- this seats taken.

Luke Hemmings wipes his sweaty brow and glances up. His eyes meet my own. He moves angelically towards me, a golden light shines over his perfect features. With out asking, Luke presses the palm of his hand on the jaw of my face and turns it to face his. We get closer to one another. He's going to say something beautifully romantic I just know it!

Luke's lip right quivers as his mouth opens. I await his deep voice eagerly.


Bloody hell.

I groan and roll over, pulling the soft pillow to cover my ears and knotted auburn hair. The alarm gets louder and reality sets in. It was all a dream. A beautiful, hopeless dream.

My hand slams my alarm too hard and silences it. It's Saturday why the hell is it still on? The regret of forgetting to turn it off last night fill me up but then I remember. It's my birthday.

Sixteen today. Okay birthdays sort of lose their innocent lure at the age of eleven and okay I don't have the butterflies in my stomach anticipating what presents I'm going to get like I did five years ago  but that still doesn't kill the small moth in the pit of my gut that's getting me a little excited.

My best friend Penny organised a little meet up at the mall at one with a few of her friends. I will now exaggerate the  HER in that sentence.

Penny knows everyone. She's sort of like the socially praised queen a Kings Long School and I am her best friend. If you think that makes me popular think again. Only a select few people actually know me well enough to have a full on conversation with me and although most of the year have my number, thanks to Penny, only about ten choose to text it so it is very likely the people at this meet up will be there for her, not me.

Strangely, that doesn't bother me. Penny will be there for me and that's all that matters. Best friends since primary school and that's the way of will always be. Me and her together forever.

Slowly, I lift me head from the pillow and rush my brown eyes over the digital clock that I have just hit. Hard.

It's eight thirty. That's gives me half an hour to get my self ready, twenty minutes to get to the bus stop and then the two hour bus ride. Then I have about an two hours and ten minutes before Penny and company turn up to get myself some breakfast and maybe have a little look in Primark. Why couldn't the bus the the Mall go more times then once a day? Hanging out in a crowded shopping centre with thousands of screaming kids and a few annoying shoppers in my idea of hell.

So, I pull myself from the pits of warmth and into the freezing cold air. That's the thing about January. It's always bloody cold. I check my phone quickly. Fifteen people have wished me happy birthday either via text or snapchat and I quickly tap a reply to each before checking the temperature. Minus three. Great. Jeans and a wooden jumper it is.
But first my makeup. Nothing to special. The usual infact. Winged eyeliner (which penny taught me how to do about a week ago) and red lipstick.

I quickly pull my long hair into a fishtail plait and get to work on my outfit.

One black pair of skinny jeans, one wooden jumper and one set of black boots later and I'm hurrying  out of the door with a coat slung over my arm and my breakfast in my hands.

Mum and Dad are still asleep but I woke them briefly to say goodbye and they wished me happy birthday. My brother James was out all last night and hasn't come back this morning which is worryingly normal at the moment but I know he'll text me as soon as he knows where he is.  He's always been a bit like that has James. The best older brother anyone could ever ask for but he's rubbish at being any thing else. Although he's so close to getting a permanent job at the mechanics down the road, he's parting like crazy recently. I know he's nineteen and all but he's much bigger and stronger then me, mum and dad so if he ever went a little crazy... I don't know how we would deal with him.

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