Olivia the stalker

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Chapter 3- Olivia the stalker

I keep my eyes trailed on the five boys while I finish my coffee and leave a small tip on the plate. Then I pick up my coat and throw it on before leaving the coffee shop and going on my mission.

Okay it's kinda weird. Actually it's really weird. But I have this feeling that the boys are talking about me. So it's sort of like private investigation but I'm not getting paid. I want to be paid.

Olivia Park's 101 guide to stalking a group of attractive, obnoxious teenage boys.

Find them. For me, this isn't so hard. Just follow the trail of swooning woman, Lynx deodorant  and loud shouts and you should find them in no time.
2. Try and get into ear shot so you can find out what they
     are saying. This is harder then it seams. Between trying  to hind behind racks of men's shirts, trying to listen, making sure to look casual so the shop assistants don't notice you and dodging the boys eyes you have a nearly impossible task.
3. DONT BE NOTICED. This is the last and most crucial part to stalking. And the part I ultimately failed.

I mean, the clothes look nice hung up... I mean they look fine. Today, it seams, I preferred them on the floor. While trying to listen into Rowen's conversation I took one step to far and tripped over the base of a clothing rack, sending me sprawling on the floor with clothes falling on top of me. Obviously, after this stunt I couldn't go back to being unnoticed so sheepishly, I glance up to find five adolescent teenage boys looking at me wide eyed and open mouthed.

Rowen was the first to crack. He smirked and bent down to my height. "Now tell me, Olivia, what is a young woman, who is obviously single judging by the clothes you wear, like you doing in a men's clothing shop?"

The boy with the ginger hair giggled slightly. The brunette shoved his friend slightly, a grin plastered on his face. The ginger smiled at the other boy before cupping his face and kissing him.

Okay that was unexpected.

Rowen glanced in the direction I was looking before rolling his eyes. "Ugh PDA. pisses me right off. Come on love birds, we have company."

The pair broke apart, grinning goofily before regaining composure and looking unnaturally hot again.

Rowen looked at me with questioning eyes and I gulp slightly.

"My brother. He really needs a new shirt."

Then I remember I'm still lying on the floor, a pile of shirts on top of me.

My legs stretch out and allow me to stand, a cluster of fabric falling off my back. I bend down and pick up a plaid shirt before nodding slowly.

"I like this one."

Rowen raises his eyebrow before linking my arm and swerving out of the shop,  his boys following.

"At least you tried, princess" Rowen mutters in my ear before grinding to a halt and pushing me into the middle of a circle they boys have formed . Then the boys sit down, in time, in the middle of the mall. They all look at me, expecting me to do the same so awkwardly I take a seat on the hard, cold floor and pick at my jeans.

"were you following us?"  Rowen asks in a sing song voice.

"No" I reply dead pan.

"She so was" the blonde boy says, looking around the circle. "I'm Max, by the way"

My eyes study the blonde boy. His eyes are a bright blue and his skin very pale. He reminds me of a vampire. Not the sparkling type, the hauntingly beautiful ones.

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