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AJ and I arrived at the party at around nine. I had a couple drinks in me, lit a few blunts. I felt buzzed. As of right now, I'm sitting down just waiting for a girl to catch my eye and I think I've found my target for tonight.

Rebecca, the person I'd always go to when when I needed a good fuck. She's always willing to spread her legs when I need her to. I haven't seen her in two weeks. Two long ass weeks of not having her in my bed, but tonight I'll have her back under me.

I tap AJ on the shoulder and point at Rebecca, indicating that I want him to go get her for me. He smirks, understanding what I mean and gets up to go get Rebecca. I watch as he approaches her. I rub my chin and she looks over at me, staring me dead in the eyes.

You see, Rebecca and I have had a very vivid past. Not many people know what happened. All they knew was that Rebecca and I fucked, a lot, and she became clingy and I couldn't deal. I don't talk about my life. I don't talk about my girls. I don't talk about anything because my life is private. It's for me and me only.

I look up from my thoughts to see Rebecca with a big smirk on her face. Rebecca knew what would happen tonight. She always thought that we would be something more. She thought she was my guard dog. She thought she had me locked down. I once had to cuss her out because she ruined so many chances for me with women.

"Hey, handsome. You were asking for me?" she said with that same smirk on her face.

"Shut up and sit down." I said to her bluntly. That smirk on her face disappeared immediately. She nodded her head and sat down like I told her to, bringing a red solo cup to her lips.

Rebecca was such a wannabe. She followed all these people and trends she found online. She was the creation of multiple people. She was boring, but the sex wasn't. That's all it ended up being. Sex.

She wore a tight, red revealing dress and I couldn't wait to get her out of it. She would've been perfect for me if she wasn't always showing me god damn affection. I hate that shit. She needs to learn to back off.

Two hours of being at the party, and I was drinking and taking shots of vodka like my life depended on it. I was all over Rebecca as well. I could tell she wanted me when I slipped my fingers up her dress and felt that wet spot.

Out of no where, Rebecca sat on my lap and began grinding down on me. I always wore tight jeans. I wanted her to feel it all. I moaned and grabbed her face, kissing her. I started kissing on her neck, down to her collarbone leaving a countless amount of hickeys that will be extremely noticeable in the morning.

I grabbed her hand and led her to the back room. I threw her on the couch aggressively, and she moaned softly.

"Looks like babygirl still loves it rough, huh?" I asked her while biting my lip. I started feeling lightheaded but I ignored it. It's probably all the alcohol getting to me.

"Maybe I do, daddy," she said seductively as she stood up and dropped her dress down to the ground.

I could tell that her eyes were getting darkened with lust, just waiting for me to get my hands on her. I grabbed her by her waist and led her back to the couch. I started kissing her from her thighs up to her stomach. I swiftly unclasped her bra, making it fall to the ground along side her cheap dress.

She took off my shirt, never breaking the heated kiss we had. She bit her lip at the sight of my toned body. I chucked darkly as I watched her eyes roam over me.

I kissed the inside of her thighs as she moaned, wanting and waiting for me to get to her burning center. I took her lace panties off with my teeth, leaving small kisses in a trail down her legs. I could hardly keep my eyes open at this time. Why was I so tired?

I ignored the feeling and went back to what I was doing. I was going to finish. I began nipping at her inner thigh before I felt my eyes close and sleep overtook me.

I woke up with a headache that I could not bare. I rubbed my temple hoping to ease the pain. I took a look at my watch seeing that it was three in the morning. That sneaky little bitch must have slipped something into my drink. She'll be sorry she ever did that to me.

I struggled to put on my shirt and buttoned it up making sure I looked some what decent. I staggered out of the house and I was immediately hit with cold air. I breathed it in, loving every second of it. I saw no one in sight. I didn't know where I was. It didn't look anywhere near campus.

I had no ride home. My only option was to call my big brother. I took my phone out my pocket and dialed his number, waiting for him to pick up.

"Hello," he answered from the other end. His voice sounded groggy. He must've been sleeping.

"I need you to come pick me up." I said as I rubbed my temple once again trying to ease this fucking headache.

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