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I sat on the cold, creaky mattress. I looked over at my cell mate before dropping my head into my hands. Today was the day.

Today was the day I would finally be freed from this prison. I'd be freed from this ratty mattress. I'd be freed from the bricks of shit they called food. I'd be freed from this confinement.

Three years in prison isn't easy on a person. You constantly have to keep your guard up. There was no one in here I could trust, besides Rocko.

Rocko had been the first friendly face I met in this shit house. At first, I thought he was trying to make me his bitch. I wasn't having it. I opened up to him though. You can't make it through prison on your own. Rocko was my support.

He taught me the ropes. He taught me how to protect myself. I'm not the same scrawny kid I was when I first came in here. I got bigger. I had to.

It was really happening, though. This place wouldn't be my home anymore. I could go out when I pleased. I could eat real food!

I cried out in happiness. Rocko shifted on his equally ratty mattress. A smile spread across his face. "Today's the day, kid."

I nodded, a smile that resembled his taking over my features. I forgot what it felt like to be happy. This was it.

"Today is the day. I never thought this would happen," I sighed in disbelief. "This is really happening. I'm really leaving this place. It's a shit hole."

Rocko laughed. "Hey, buddy. I got a couple more months in this place. I don't wanna think about all the cracks and imperfections until I'm outta here,"

"Got it, Rocko."

"Don't get yourself back in here, son. You don't seem like the type to be in and out of prison. I don't want you to prove me wrong. Stay out of trouble."

I let his words sink into my head. It wasn't even my trouble. This wasn't my fault. This wasn't my baggage to carry, yet I did it. I ruined my life over this. I ruined any chance at a career. I ruined my future. Who'd hire an ex-convict?

"Zayn, if you ever find yourself in trouble again, you know what I told you. There's a group of us, the OBGINS, waiting for you in Miami. Anything you need, you go there. You in any sort of trouble, run there. They'll protect you,"

"Thank you for this, Rocko." I truly meant it. Rocko has been my support system for the past three years. He made sure I was good once I got out. He made plans for me. My own parents came by and didn't seem too thrilled on the idea of me moving back home. Rocko was family.

"Malik, get your stuff. You're leaving." Those words sounded like music to my ears. Rocko stood up with me and I embraced him.

"Thank you, Rocko. I mean it. I'll be waiting for you when you get out, dude,"

We pulled away from the hug and clasped hands. "Of course, man. It's no problem. Take care of yourself."

I left the cell. The place I'd been living in for over three years. I looked back at Rocko. He sat back down on his mattress and placed his hands on his knees.

He was stressed. He was stressed about me, my future, and his own. I hoped to God he wouldn't get lonely in here.

I changed out of the horrid brown rags they made our clothing. They itched my skin. It may have belonged to a murderer before it got to me. I didn't want to know if it did. The more mysteries there were in prison, the better.

I felt the warm cotton rub against my stomach. My shirt. I pulled up my jeans. Jeans! I've missed these so much. I pulled on my sneakers. I forgot how good this all felt. You take these things for granted. You take your warm cotton shirts and jeans for granted until they're ripped away from you.

I was given back all my personal items. My phone, my wallet. Having these things felt so foreign. The feeling of my phone pressed against my leg due to the tightness of my jeans felt all too new.

I filled out a few forms at the front desk. I looked around at everything, memorizing the scene before I became a free man, officially.

"Mr. Malik, you're free to go," A woman behind the desk told me. I almost broke down in tears at the sound of her voice. She gave me a smile and a brief nod.

I couldn't contain myself. I had the dumbest grin on my face. "Thank you so much."

I took a step outside. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. The air felt clean. I wasn't breathing in the same air as hundreds of people. It was just me. Until I opened my eyes and saw the person that got me thrown in this place.

I walked over to my family. My father gave me a stiff nod and my mother embraced me with slight disgust. I left one hell hole and made it to another.

I made my way over to my brother. He chuckled and bear hugged me. "Z, I've missed you, man."

I chuckled, patting his back. "I missed you too, Justin."

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