Ch. 2 Working

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Okay guys. Here's chapter 2! hope you enjoy it! I apologize that its a slow beggining. Again i do not own anything Stephenie Meyer does!

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Bella’s POV

After those 3 years I adjusted to my job. It was pretty much the same thing every day; a whole bunch of perverted guys all over me, wanting to sleep with me. I still didn’t sleep with my costumers and never was going to. The clients would always hope that I would change my mind and would be disappointed when I didn’t, but they would go sleep with other girls so they shouldn’t be sad because they get it in anyways, which is all they want.  As I sat there getting ready for tonight’s show, I remembered how in the beginning when I started my job after all the training how men responded to me right away. The place was more packed after I started. Victoria was happy by the response and had me star of the show. I would be the one who started dancing, introduce the other girls, and I would also end the show. Victoria knew that I wasn’t going to change my mind about sleeping with the costumers, but I could see that she hoped that I would because then she would make more money.  I sighed and continued doing my makeup. My Best friends, Angela and Vivian came and sat next to me.  We became best friends right away when we met. They had joined a week before I had, so we were newbies together and got to spend lot of time together because we trained together. Angela was tall, thin, beautiful, had long brown hair and was fit. Vivian was my size, beautiful, had long dark brown hair, and was fit too. We were also all the same age. Vivian and I were the ones who had more in common because we both ran away from home, only she ran away from California. Angela on the other hand lived with her parent’s and her brothers in Forks. She also went to school, so she pretty much had a normal life except for her job.

“Hey Bella!” they said with a smile. I loved them so much! They were such sweethearts.

“Hey! Are you guys ready for another show tonight?” I asked

“As ready as I can be.” Angela said

“Hell Yes!!” said Vivian and we all started laughing. 

We were still laughing when Victoria came in and asked

“Girls are you ready?”  She said excitedly.

“Yes.” Everyone answered.

“Good! Bella are you ready?” she asked me. 

“Yes ma’am!” I answered with a smile.

“Let’s go then girls!”  Angela and Vivian grabbed one of my arms and we started walking backstage. Tonight I was wearing a pink and black bra with a matching miniskirt and black pumps. I had kind of gotten use to wearing these things.

We stood there while Victoria introduced me to the audience.

“Hello! Welcome to The Big Bang! Hope you are all having a goodnight and well if you’re not, then you are about to!” she said while the men were all whistling and hollering.

“Let’s start this show! Up first is our star of the show. Give it up for the beautiful and talented Bella!!”   I started walking toward the stage and all the men started going crazy whistling and clapping. I went straight to the strip pole and started dancing like I was taught how to. All the men kept whistling and yelling “oh yea baby!” I found it very amusing. I got off the stage and started walking toward one of the costumers and gave him a lap dance. He looked like he was in his 20’s he was rubbing his hands on my body and put money in my bra. I got up and went back to the dance pole and finished up the dance.  Ben rushed up the stage and handed me the microphone. “Hello good evening guys!! How are you tonight?” I asked. I was responded by hollering. I heard one of the guys yell, “Great now that you’re here!”

As flattering as that was, I thought it was kind of pathetic.

“Well the show is just starting so I hope you enjoy it…”  I paused “so let me introduce you to the rest of the girls!”

“WOOOOOOO!!!!” all the men yelled.

“Give a big hand for Angela….”  Cheer. “Jessica…” Cheer. “Lauren…” Cheer. “Vivian…” Cheer. I kept going until I finished naming all the girls.

“Okay girls! Show these guys what you got!”  I said and walked off the stage. Ben came up to me with a bottle of water and a towel.

“Thanks Ben, I appreciate it.” I said as I took the things.

“You’re welcome.” He said, smiling shyly. “You were great out there.”  He continued.

“Aw! Thanks Ben! That means a lot to me!” I said with a smile. The rest of the show went great. They all went up and had their turn dancing and “pleasing” the costumers. Angela, like me didn’t sleep with the costumers. Though I could tell she liked Ben.

After the show ended I got ready to go home. Angela and Vivian were waiting for me.

“You were great tonight Bella!” they both said while they hugged me.

“You guys were great too!” I said. “So did you guys make a lot of money tonight?” I asked.

“I did pretty well.” Vivian said proudly.

“I did well too!” Angela said.

“Man it was packed tonight!” I exclaimed.

“I know! Which is good because we make more money!” Vivian said.

“Oh look who it is! The star of the show!” Lauren said sourly. 

I sighed. Lauren had never liked me; she had hated me since day one.  Angela and Vivian would tell me that she was jealous of me; which I thought was ridiculous.

“Why don’t you leave Lauren?” Vivian said.

“Why don’t you make me?” Lauren growled.

Vivian was about to attack her, when Victoria walked in.

“Congrats girls, you did great tonight!” she said proudly.

“Well I think it’s time for all of us to go home, so see you all tomorrow.” She said.

Vivian and I drove home with Victoria and Anne behind us. We all went to bed exhausted. As I laid there in bed trying to fall asleep, I had the strangest feeling like something was going to change soon. I tried to ignore the feeling, but it was hard to. It was probably exhaustion I thought and fell asleep….

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