Ch. 25 Helping

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Hey guys!!! I didn't expect to finish this chapter today! well i guess it's tomorrow already haha Anyways i'm glad i got positive responses to Riley! i was worried u guys would hate him but u guys are ready for the drama! and thats great! hahaha!! I also want to thank like always my fans and readers! u guys are what keep me writing! i reached a little over 43 thousand reads! thats RIDICULOUS!!! hahaha!! i also got new fans which i'm excited about!!! and more votes and i think i am receiving more comments which i LOVE!!! keep it up u guys!! i love hearing ur opnions and comments!! :) anyways lets see... did anyone watch the Breaking Dawn cast at Comic Con this year od youtube? i did and dude i teared up cause i could believe it was there last year there! :'( but beside that it was great! and the clip they showed although it was bad quality it got me super excited cause it was awesome! :) anyways i'll shut up now! haha um this is BPOV and it's kind of short because well u guys will see ;) i dont own anything Stephenie Meyer does.

Hope u enjoy!!! :)


I was at the supermarket buying groceries. Anne and Vivian I was right now on my way to the meat section. Passing people and smiling at them. I neared the meat section and saw a man standing there looking at the meat seeming not to know what to choose. As I got closer the man started to look familiar to me. Once I got close I realized it was Chief Swan. I should say hi to him and ask him if he needs help.

“Chief Swan?”

He looked up and smiled, “Hi Bella. How are you? I haven’t seen you in a while. And I told you to call me Charlie.”

I smiled back, “Charlie then. I’m doing well, thanks for asking and I know it has been a while! How have you been?”

“Good too…So how’s Victoria doing?” he asked in concern.

“She’s doing much better. I mean she decided to go back to work so must mean progress right?” I said chuckling.

He chuckle, “I guess you’re right.”

While Victoria was adjusting to the new vampire we told her she shouldn’t be around people because it could be too dangerous. We had called the police telling her we had found her and then that Carlisle was taking care of her. We told them she was severely hurt and was scared of everyone so nobody would try coming to see her…

I went to grab some steaks, “Charlie? Do you need help? You seem to not know what to get, no offense.”

He blushed and looked embarrassed, “None taken, but yeah I’m having trouble. You see I don’t know how to cook. I just usually order out or make eggs.”

I chuckled, “It’s okay, most guys don’t know how to cook.” I said even though I didn’t know if that was true. I mean on TV they make it seem that way.

“I guess…” He said still sounding embarrassed.

I felt bad for him and there was something in me that wanted to help him.

“You know I just had an idea. If you want I can cook for you just buy whatever you want and I’ll go over and cook it. That is if you want to.” I said carefully.

He looked taken aback from my offer.

 “Wow you don’t have to…” he started to say but I cut him off, “But I want to. It’s no big deal.” I said.

“I mean that sounds great but I don’t want to bother you. You have more important things to do. Like homeschool and you’re…job” He said.

He seemed to not like the fact that I worked at the club at such a young age and I totally understand that.

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