Peter Pan (1953) x Reader

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Peter couldn't help it. He, the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up, had fallen in love. And frankly, he didn't like it one bit. He didn't want to love you; loving someone meant growing up. And that was the exact opposite of what he wanted to do. And so Peter did nothing about it, merely let the knowledge stew in his brain until he thought he would burst if he didn't tell you soon. There were little things you did that nearly killed him; the way you laughed, the way you smiled, the way you ran your fingers through your hair when you got nervous, every little thing about you he loved, and he hated it. You also had this unfortunate habit of hugging Peter when you, the Lost Boys, and him pulled off a successful raid against the stinky pirates. Or, on several rare occasions, you had kissed him. He knew they didn't mean anything, they were just pecks on his nose or his cheek, gestures of friendship really, but he loved them anyway. However Peter was as dense as ever, and he never seemed to notice how your gaze lingered on him longer than was necessary, or how you didn't hug or kiss any of the Lost Boys, only him.


You cheered along with the Lost Boys, your __h/c__ hair stuffed into the hood of your __h/c__ wolf onesie. As a Lost Girl, you need an outfit like the Lost Boys, so you ended up with a wolf one. You liked it much more than the clothes you wore in the real world, or you thought so at least. You couldn't remember your life very well from before you came to Neverland, but you were okay with that. You couldn't remember if you had any family, so you didn't miss them. Besides, you had a new family now. You had the Lost Boys, and Peter. In your excitement, and partially out of habit, you turned to hug Peter, but before you could, he moved away from you. You looked at him, extremely hurt, with a frown on your face, but he just turned away from you and started on his way back to the tree house. The Lost Boys followed behind him, after a few curious glances at you, but you turned on your heel and strode away, hoping a walk in the forest would calm you. Your walk in the forest did not go as planned however, you weren't paying attention to where you were going and you ended up getting captured by pirates. You weren't scared, just really annoyed. "You should really just let me go." You said in a tired voice after they had bound your hands and feet and were putting you on a rowboat. They said nothing, merely settled themselves onto the boat and started rowing towards Hook's ship.


Peter regretted it the moment he had done it, it wasn't your fault he liked you. He had been hoping that if he didn't have physical contact with you and avoided you, his feelings would go away, but avoiding your hug had hurt you, and now he felt horrible. Even worse, it had now been a couple of hours since the incident and you still hadn't come back, and he and the Lost Boys were starting to get anxious. "Okay boys, let's go find __y/n__." Peter said after a moment of thinking. The boys cheered in response, hurriedly straightening out their clothes and grabbing weapons before they all exited the tree. ------------------------

You scowled as you were loaded onto the ship and tied to the mast, was this really necessary? Hook walked leisurely around you, examining you slowly. "I take it this is the girl Pan is so fond of?" Hook asked after a moment, glancing at his crew. They nodded in response and Hook grinned evilly, using his hook to stroke your cheek. "This should work out well then." He purred before sauntering away, back into his chambers. You scoffed; Peter didn't seem to be too fond of you today when he was busy ignoring you. You attempted to wiggle your wrists so you could grab the knife that was hidden in your onesie, but unfortunately for you, the ropes were tied too tightly. With a sigh, you let your thoughts drift off; you had a feeling it was going to be a long night.


Help arrived sooner than you expected though, the Lost Boys and Peter arrived not too long after you had been captured. But, of course, a rescue is never that easy, and Hook's plan was actually a pretty good one. As soon as he saw Peter flying towards the ship, and he knew quite a bit ahead of time because Peter's, well, Peter, he had undone your bonds and pressed his hook to your throat, so that that was the first thing Peter and the Lost Boys saw when they landed on board. As soon as Peter's eyes found yours, he could feel his heart clench and twist painfully. You looked so sad, and Peter knew that it was his fault. You weren't worried about Hook; you were just upset with him. Hook's evil grin widened when he saw this exchange though, here he had thought that you were just like one of Peter's Lost Boys, only a girl version, but by the look in Peter's eyes, he could tell that you here more than that. "Oh, I see little Pan has found himself a girlfriend!" Hook exclaimed gleefully, his hook pressing a little harder into your throat. Peter's jaw visibly clenched, but neither of you denied it. You weren't dating, you didn't think Peter even knew what that was, but it would be too difficult to correct him, besides, with his hook cutting into your neck, you weren't sure talking was the best plan. "Let her go." Peter growled, and he sounded truly angry. All the other fights with the pirates were for something to do, but this was different. They had you, and Peter couldn't let anything happen to you. "How touching." Hook commented dryly, not even flinching as Peter made to move towards him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, I have no problems cutting her pretty little throat." Hook finished with a smirk as Peter froze where he was. Peter was thinking, what could he do to get you out of here? He had to get you out of here before he fought Hook, that was obvious, but how? "What do you want, Hook?" Peter snarled, and you were surprised at how much this seemed to bother him."Hmm." Hook pretended to think for a moment, extracting his hook from your neck to stroke his chin thoughtfully. That was all that you needed; in a flash you had stepped on his toe, grabbed your dagger from a hidden pocket in your onesie, and joined the Lost Boys. "We should do this again sometime!" You said cheerfully before climbing up on the edge of the ship and jumping down, Peter and the Lost Boys following behind you as you made your way to the tree house. You could hear Hook's enraged shouting and grinned to yourself, happy to be causing mischief once more. You and the others arrived home, and the Lost Boys all embraced you, cheering happily because you were back. You laughed and hugged them back, picking them up in turn and spinning them around. You paused mid-laugh when you saw Peter standing at the door to his room, waiting for you to enter. With a sigh, you put down one of the twins and walked into his room, standing awkwardly in the corner. When at least Peter shut the curtain and turned to look at you, you saw that he had worry in his eyes. "Are you okay?" Peter asked calmly, his eyes betraying his real emotions. Your hand went to your neck and you felt a faint cut, but you nodded anyway. Peter knew you were lying however, and before you knew it, he had you both sitting on the edge of his hammock while he was cleaning your wound with an old rag. You hissed slightly, the water not feeling pleasant at all against your irritated skin. You bit your lip and squeezed your eyes shut to block out the pain, and after a few minutes, the stinging stopped. You were just about to open your eyes to see if Peter was done, when you felt something warm press hesitantly against your lips. Your eyes flew open, looking at Peter in surprise. He was kissing you, his eyes shut as his lips glided against your own. After you got over your surprise, you started kissing him back, reveling in the taste that was purely Peter. Your hands fisted gently into his fiery hair, and his found their way to your waist, tugging you into him.

However, you were on a hammock, and the sudden movement caused the hammock to flip over. You fell, you on top of Peter, before you leant down and nuzzled your nose against his. "I love you." You said it so quickly, so firmly, so unexpectedly, that it took Peter a moment to process what you just said. When he did, his arms wrapped around you and he suddenly jumped up, flying around the room while you clung to him. Peter spun you around, laughing happily, before he landed gently on the ground.

"I love you too." Peter said softly, his eyes dancing as he smiled an adorable half smile. You smiled, leaning in to peck his nose. "Here's to never growing up." You whispered against his lips, before connecting them once more. Life on Neverland was sure to get a lot more interesting now.

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