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So my dear readers our story begins in the imperial city....

Levi: wrong story brat.
Author-chan: now, now Levi my dear, I have so many story ideas he must have confused this story with my Elder scrolls one.... And Levi! Stop calling people names!
England: Samant- I mean *ahem* Author-chan is correct, Levi you need to stop calling people names and saying bad words! It is highly improper for a gentleman so say such things, especially in front of such a lovely lady such as Author-chan *kisses hand of Author-chan*
Author-chan: *blushes,nose bleed, faints*
Levi: tch, just get on with the story.
Author-chan: sorry my little lobotomites, let us start the story!!


*crash* "crap!" Alaya said bolting up from her bed and ran to the kitchen where she hear pots and pans crashing down and two cats are bickering over..... Food?
"No!, I will go wake up Alaya and you can clean up this mess" a proud British voice said " oh no you little shit,you made this mess and you are going to clean it, and I will go wake up Laya" *sigh* "too lait boys.... Already up" she said running her pale hand thru her hip length blood red hair and looking at them with her sea blue eyes glistening with amusement. "Oh my dear!" The blond British cat named Arthur jumped down from the table and walked over to her with a big, cute smile on his face. "Good morning love!, how was you sleep?" He asked. Alaya bented down to his height and smiled " yes I did quite in joined my sleep, that is until you and Levi made all that noise and woke me up" Arthur had a look of horror on his cute little cat face, " oh my dear! I am very sorry! Did not mean to wake you!" He said looking almost as if he was on the verge of tears. "Oh no,no,no,no,no,no! Of course not! I was going to get up any ways! Don't cry!" She said picking him up and hugging the poor cat. Little did she know that the cat in her arms had his face over her shoulder smirking at the other cat on the counter glaring at the blond cat. Alaya got up the blond cat still in her arms and walked over to the counter and placed the blond cat down and picked up black cat more formally known as Levi, and hugged him too. "O-oy!, what are you doing? Not that I mind it...." He said whispering the last part, "I felt your eyes boring into my back when I hugged Arthur..... So... I hugged you!" Alaya said giggling. Levi felt his cheeks heat up silently thanking the fur on his cheek covered the red.

"Now...what do you want to do today???"

I don't care (Neko!Levi X Alaya[OC] X Neko!England)Where stories live. Discover now