Shock(Kingdom) Was told to do this by his Lit teacher and he said "Try This." And I was like "No, Writing ArkAngels. Leave Me Alone." But then he held his breath like a child until I did it so you know. Here You Have It. You are Welcome.
The Writer clicks his pen, releases the button, and presses the button again. He releases the button yet again, and repeats the process, each methodical button press, clicking, the mesmerizing sound giving him a slight degree of satisfaction. Then, it's already gone. He had been at it for almost 30 minutes straight, all alone in his house. He was in the middle of a writer's block, and what looked like the wordsmith thinking at his hardest, was really just his absent-mindedness, laziness, and procrastination. Click...Click....Click.....
He was infatuated with it. He couldn't get that noise out of his head. The infinitesimal vibration of atoms interrupted the dreadful silence which he was terrified of more than anything else in life. The Silence. It had come when everything else had left him. And he had to defeat it. But T.V. was too depressing or distracted him from his writing. The Radio had too many ads or sad stories for his liking. Neither of those ever had anything worth his time anyways. All the Writer could do was click the black-inked, clear, ballpoint pen. Click..... Click...... Click.......