Rin X reader : The translator

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Okay! So this one goes out to @thordisrun !!!!! Thank you for the request and I hope you guys like it!!

Okay so for this one shot the Japanese is going to be in bold

Now.... TO DA STORY!!!!
Hi! Let me introduce my self my name is (y/n) (l/n) I just moved from (c/n) to Japan. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to learn Japanese.....

*sigh* this is gonna be hard.....

*time skip*

My mom was taking me to meet my translator for the time being until I can learn enough Japanese.  It's probably gonna be and old lady or some thing.  (Boy, were you wrong reader-chan! XD)

We were walking to a café where I was suppose to meet my translator, and I didn't really care about meeting them because I'm starving! We rounded the corner and I saw the café and went into a full on sprint. " FOOOOOOOOOD!!!" I yelled as a ran through the doors accidentally bumping into someone.

I said a quick apology and got in line waiting for my slow poke of a mother to get here, because you know, she has the money. And I kind of need that to buy food.

She finally walked through the doors a little out of breath. " (y/n)! Don't just run in here! And slow down! I can't run as fast as you!"

" Sorry mom..... I'm just reeeeeally hungry." I said laughing a little. My mom just smirks and said " You're always hungry."

"Good point." I replied then my stomach growled, " Uhh.... Can we order food now?"
"Yes ( y/n). " My mom said with an eye roll " Hurry up though, your translator
be here soon."

" M'kay!" I kind of yelled, then happily skipped to the counter and got food. Afterwards I met my mom at the table. I sat down and the table then immediately started shoving food in my face. " Hungry aren't we?" My mom questioned as she raised eye brow.

I quickly swallowed and scratched the back of my neck. "Oh! I got you some too!"  I said as I passed my mom her food.  "Why, how considerate of you." She replied sarcastically, 

I narrowed my eyes at her "And you wonder where I get my sass from." She was about to say something when I heard the bell on the door ding, and looked to see tHAT HOLY CHEESE BALLS!! THATS GUY IS HOT!!

"(Y/n) close your mouth, your translator is coming..." I snapped my mouth shut and looked at my mom " You mean to tell me that HE is my translator?" I whisper shouted

"Yes (y/n). Now wipe all that food off of your face because he is walking this way." Oh crap oh crap oh crap. I frantically wiped my face with a napkin hoping to at least look presentable. 

" Hello my Name is Rin Matsuka, my name may be girly but I am obviously a boy.  Are you Mrs. (L/n) and (y/n) (l/n)?" The hunk- I mean Rin asked.

"Yes. Thats us,"My mom said with a polite smile " My name is (m/n) (l/n), and the girl drooling over there is my daughter (y/n)."

I had a look of complete disbelief, then soon recovered when Rin looked at me with a shocked fave with a tint of pink on his cheeks, " Pssh, yeah im drooling! Over this pile of goodness!" I said as I motioned towards my tray.

Rin was sitting their looking amused with that pink tint still on his cheeks, while mY MOTHER!!!! Looked like she was choke trying not to laugh.... Ill remember this mother... Just you wait... I thought as i glared at my mom while awkwardly shoving a french fry in my mouth.

I continued to glare at my mom, when I was snapped out of my daze by Rin chuckling.
" Well I certainly know where I stand," Rin said chuckling again, then turned towards me. " but its a pleasure meeting you (y/n)."

Rin then extendned his hand for me to shake. " Likewise." I said smiling while shaking his hand.

"So Rin," My mom said breaking the awkward tension " how old are you?"

" Oh, I'm eighteen!" Rin said with a toothy grin. Speaking of teeth! What they heck is with his? They look like sharks! Not that that's bad or any thing... They actually looks really cool. I bet he uses his teeth when he gets in fights. Rin used bite! It was super effective....

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mom syaing "Oh! You're the same age as (y/n) here!" (A/N if you are not eighteen, you are now. Deal with it)

He looked at me and smiled. Damn that smile.... "Really now? I though she looked a bit younger than that."

" I will take that," I said while pointing a fry at him " as a compliment."  He just chuckled " Good it was ment as one. May I sit next you (y/n)?" I realized he was still standing  " Uh, yeah! Sorry about that." I mumbled with a blush on my face and scooting over.  " No problem. Anyway, since Im going to be your translator, I was wondering on how much japanese you actually knew. Do you know enough to have a small conversation?"

I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck, " Define, conversation..."

He just nodded while my mother facepalmed. " You really need to get out more (y/n)...." My mom said with an exasperated sigh. Woooooooow thanks ma

" Rude." I replied while narrowing my eyes a bit.  " Accurate." My mom said while sipping on her drink.

" My my aren't you two a bit sassy." Rin said awkardly breaking the starring match I was having with my mom.

" You have no idea. It can get pretty bad." I siad smirking slightly

" Oh yeah? I think I can manage." Rin said returningwith his own smirk

" Okay, Rin I understand that you are curently still a student. So I was wondering what your schedule was so we could work with that without interfearing to much with your personal life." My mom said seriously. 

"Thats very considerate of you Mrs. (L/n).  I am currently the captian of my schools swim team so (y/n) might have to come to some practices after school if thats alright with you."

Hot damn! Go to a school and see a bunch of hot shirtless guys? Umm yes please!

" Thats alright with me. Is alright with you (y/n)?" My mom said smiling knowingly

"Hell yeah its okay with me! I mean- yeah yeah I'm cool with that." I said chilly. Im so cool.

"Okaaaay." Rin chuckled  " Thats good then. Well I have to go, I have to take the team to get new suits. But ill see you tomorrow (y/n)! It was nice meeting you both." Rin then got up and started walking towards the door waving goodbye to us.

Dat ass.....

"Okay (y/n) stop starring and lets go home. You start school tomorrow amd you need to sleep. " Mom siad while putting her stuff back in her purse "Ugg... I don't understand why I can't be homeschooled...."  I complained

We got home and I plopped on my bed. *sigh* Yaaaay sleep... But I reeeeally don't want to go to school tomorrow..... Wait! I get to see Rin! Okay, I'm okay with school now.  Night night!


Okay okay! Im so so so so so sorry for not updating! Im making a second part for this. Im thinking of making a Hetalia one shot book! Tell me what you think! You can message me some requests if you want a specific one shot for Hetalia! But make some requests in the comments!


*throws cookies* BAI!!


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