You Liiiiiiike Me

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"Oh my god. You totally like me."

Chris was wide-eyed, but there was a mischievous grin on his face. My heart rate slowed down, though it was still thumping along much faster than usual.

"Pffft, as if," I pretended to joke back, shifting slightly away from him on the couch. I wasn't sure how convincingly I could lie if Chris' knee kept brushing against mine.

"Admit it! You're head-over-heels for me!" Chris was laughing, going into an exaggeratedly seductive pose, "you lie awake thinking about me every night! You swoon at the thought of my embrace!"

The sad thing is, that he was completely right, but I refused to let him know, "I'd rather kiss an elephant!"

It came out sounding sharper than I'd wanting, but Chris' look of shocked offense quickly melted back into a wicked smile, "take it back!" he crowed, lunging at me. His tickle-ready fingers just missed my sides as I ducked out of the way, "take it back, you dirty old crone! You're in looooooooooove with me!"


The both of us tumbled around in a flurry of limbs as I struggled to evade Chris' tickles, both of us screeching in too-high-pitched laughters. Finding my had up against the armrest and realizing there was no more couch left to escape to, I reached out and grabbed one of Chris' flailing wrists to try to stop the tickles.

Then, everything got very.. Still.

The two of us just lied there for a moment, I was on my back, Chris sprawled on top of me. Chris' wrist was in my hand, the fingers of his other hand on my waist, our noses barely an inch apart, panting heavily, lost in each other's eyes.

Chris shifted a little, making his chest rub against mine. My breath hitched slightly.

Then he leaned in and kissed me. Briefly, lightly, just the barest touch.

I didn't have time to wish it'd lasted longer because Chris immediately kissed me again and again, light and airy each time, gliding his lips gracefully over mine. I began to stroke his wrist with my thumb, his fingers pressed firmly into my waist.

The next time Chris' mouth came in, it was the tip of his tongue leading the way, gently tracing over my lower lip before sliding inside. His tongue played with mine, slipping beneath it and sensuously stroking it up, while every moment of contact between his lips and mine left an electric tingle. We both let out deep moans at the same time.

Releasing Chris' wrist, I ran both my hands up his sides, delving under his top to explore the contours of his shoulderblades. I took a deep breath and kissed him back decisively, engulfing his lips and pushing back against his tongue. One of Chris' arms encircled the small of my back while the other cradled my neck, making me shiver with pleasure. The kisses became deeper, the search for each other's lips more desperate every time a kiss broke, and I was gyrating slowly, but firmly against each other through our clothes in a way that made me wish there were no clothes involved.

Chris' fingernails were digging into the back of my neck and his happy groans were now sounding like rapid, pleading whimpers reverberating against the back of my throat. My skin was slick with sweat and the moistness of Chris' crotch grinding against my thigh was dizzily distracting. I thrust my palm against Chris' front, messages handfuls of his chest while he gasped and choked into my mouth, then I moved my hands to his shoulders and pushed him off.

"Oh my god," I mumbled.

Chris stared at me wild-eyed, cheeks bright red, panting and sweating, "what?" he demanded.

My face split into a huge grin, "you so totally like me."

Chris gave me a nasty glare, "shut up," he growled, flushing brighter as he started to ease off his pants.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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