The Club Argument (request)

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(LF/P) - Least Favorite Person.

The crowded bar, the annoyingly painful headache, and the fact that my boyfriend was nowhere to be found was all piling onto my pissed off mood. Tonight was supposed to be fun, but instead, the bar stool became my best friend. Chris was off at some place; he told me he was going to the restroom.... but that was forty-five minutes ago. I pick up the glass, the bartender just filled and downed it quickly.

Me and Chris have been dating for almost two years now, after he took me to his world for a while, but brought me back (and stayed) when I started to stay up at night crying because I was homesick.

Now here I am..... alone.

The alcohol burns its way down my throat, and I decided enough was enough. Chris has no right to leave me here by myself. I walk toward the bathroom to see where he went, and low and behold, my worst nightmare was staring me in the face. He was leaning against a table, right across from (LF/P), giggling like a school girl. Her hand creeps towards his hand, and she flirtatiously places her hand on his. Chris looks at it briefly, a flash of annoyance in his eye, yet he didn't move it.

Fed up, I stomp over to the table, my alcohol slowed mind making me stumble along the way. "Hey, Chris.." I say happily, but the cold stare in my eyes should give the true meaning away. He coughs uncomfortably and shifts his weight a couple of times.

"(Y/N)..." He starts. "I meant to come back, but (LF/P) and I started to have a chat. (LF/P) was just talking to me about her new job."

"And I came over her to tell you about your new ex-girlfriend."

I turn on my heel and walk towards the bar entrance. Tears were forming, but I didn't dare lift my hand to wipe them away. The sound of running feet behind me gets louder as I step outside.

"(Y/N), wait!" Chris shouts for the millionth time.

I turn toward him. "How dare you! Tonight was supposed to be me and you, not you and (LF/P). You know how much I loathe her." I scream, but my voice drops to a whisper. "I can't believe you."

I start to walk away again when Chris snatches my arm and spins me to face him. "It wasn't what it looked like."

 "Of course it wasn't! Because it never is! Because it didn't look like you left me alone for some heifer. 'Cause she totally wasn't trying to pull a move on you."

His frustration rises, not because of me, but because it did look like he was flirting with her. He wasn't though. Beyond the point of arguing, Chris murmurs, "I promise it was nothing. She was just trying to make a conversation."

"Yeah. the sly forty-five minute conversation, plus hand-on-hand action was totally just 'conversation'. I'm done, Chris."

"Oh okay, so it's okay for you to flirt with whoever you want, but I can't talk to one person? I know, I should have got you or at least told you what I was doing. I know, I screwed up,but seriously, stop being jealous." 

I was furious beyond belief. "I am not jealous." How dare he say that! "I hate you so much!" I cry, and instantly regret those words. Chris is stunned for a second, taken aback, and visibly hurt.

But what happens next is something I don't expect. He pulls me in and plants the purest kiss I've ever felt on my lips. The force of the kiss pushes me back onto the side of the car roughly. Despite my anger, I kiss back, and wrap my arms around his neck, and let a moan escape my lips.

He breaks the kiss apart and unlocks the car. He brings me in for another kiss, taking his time to feel his tongue over every part of my mouth before ushering me into the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"A place..." And this place was a mere five minutes away, but what was enough time for the fire between my legs to grow. He pulls into an empty and extremely dark park and turns off the car. I look around, then over at him, and strategically move over the console and into his lap. His hands reach for my waist and mine for his hair. Making out, I feel my hips start to move against his leg, and I can feel his length grow.

I break apart quickly and work the buttons off his shirt off, and then pull my blouse off quickly. His hands move to my chest and he removes the lace bra, exposing my chest. I lift myself up and take the remaining clothes off, and he does the same. Soon, we are both naked and breathing heavy. His mouth moves to my jawbone, down to my neck, to my collarbone. He nibbles at my collarbone then bites when he's sure there will be a mark left. My hips pick up speed. I lift myself up again and he inserts himself into me. I start moving, slowly, but pick up the speed so the movement of the car matches the movement of my body. I grip the back of his car seat, and he to my back, definitely leaving scratch marks. I feel my lower region tighten as I near climax, and I let out a very loud moan as I ride the last of my orgasm.

I remove myself from him and climb into the passenger seat, breathing heavily. We both put our clothes back on, and despite my protests, we both climb into the back seat and sleep the night's journey away.

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