Chapter 1

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Hey guys! So before I start this I would like to say that I know Shawn lived/lives in Canada, but just for this story I'm going to have him living in Palm Springs, California. Also the beginning of this story takes place before he becomes famous. Hope you like this story! P.S there is a cast to this story, but you can picture the characters however you want you don't even have to look at the cast list.


I'm awoken to the ear-piercing beeps of my alarm clock. I swing my left arm out from under the duvet and slam it onto the snooze button. Then pulling my arm back into me I roll over and fall back asleep. Ten minutes later the alarm goes off again, but this time I pull the duvet all the way off of my body. Swinging my feet down to the floor I stand up and walk into my bathroom to brush my teeth. Walking back to my room I go to my closet and grab a pair of jean capris with some holes in them and a maroon shirt. I look myself up and down in the mirror next to my closet then walk bath into my bathroom to do my hair. I decide to just put some beach waves in my long dark brown hair. Looking in the mirror one last time I decide I need some jewelry so I grab a long-chained gold pendant necklace and some gold knuckle rings.

I go over to my end table and unplug my phone stuffing it into my back pocket. Then picking my backpack up from the spot it occupies next to my door, and walk out of my room. As I walk down the stairs I see my older brother, and my younger sister eating cereal at the kitchen table.

"Hey Lac," my younger sister Lily says seeing me enter the kitchen "Can we hit up Starbucks on the way to school today?

Lily is 14, a freshman, I'm 16, a junior, and my older brother Luke is 18, a senior.

"Aren't you riding with Luke today?" I ask Lily receiving a glare from Luke

"No," Luke spits back "I'm picking up Bret before school today she can't be in the car." Luke is your typical senior guy. He has always sort of resembled Nick Robinson so of course a lot of girls find him attractive, and he has captured a lot of girls' hearts over the years, and not to mention he's broken a lot of them too.

"Then Lily I guess that means you're riding with me," I say with an over-exaggerated sigh "But I don't think we can go to starbs without being late for school."

"Can we maybe go tomorrow then?" she asks back not giving up.

"Well to get that answer you have to talk to Luke." I say with a growing smile. Luke and I can both drive, but Lily cannot so we take turns with giving her rides. "He's giving you a ride to school tomorrow."

With that I look at Luke who stands up and angrily puts his bowl into the sink. Then turns around and walks out the front door. I start laughing when I hear his car start and his tires screech out of the driveway.

"We should probably get going if we are going to make it on time." I say to Lily grabbing an apple out of the bowl on the counter. Then I run back upstairs and grab my gold strappy sandals out of my room along with my car keys. Then running back down the stairs I take a bite out of my apple, and walk out the door with Lily behind me. I get into the driver's side and Lily jumps into the passenger's seat. I start the car and back out of the driveway, as I continue to eat my apple.


I walk to my locker and turn the lock to the number 23, then 5, then 10. I hear the lock pop and I swing the door out toward myself. I bend down to grab my books when I feel a hand on my butt. I jump and straighten up turning around quickly. Then realizing it was my boyfriend Jaxson I relax a little bit. He gives me a big cheeky smile and I slap him playfully on the chest, but smile back.

"Good-morning Beautiful." he says, the smile growing bigger

"Hello handsome." I respond giving him a light peck on the lips. He pulls me close to him and kisses me harder. We kiss for a minute then I pull away. "We have to go to class."

"Why?" he whines, but takes my books from my hands.

We start walking to my first period class, which is Science. We talk about random stuff until we arrive at the door of the choir room. He hands me my books and kisses my forehead lightly. Then he takes off sprinting down the hall so he wouldn't be late for his class. I laugh to myself and turn to walk into the choir room and sit down in my chair.

The bell rings loudly, and kids around me run to get to their seats before the teacher comes into the room. Next to me a kid named Shawn drops into his seat.

"Okay class," the teacher Mrs. Dolinger yells. "Everyone sit down and put your phones away. We have a new project that we are starting today. I'm happy to report that it is a partner activity," at this moment everyone looks at their friend they want to be partners. I look at my best friend Laura Jennings and she looks at me.

Laura and I have been friends since we were practically newborns. Our moms are best friends so they almost forced us to be friends at first, but we weren't like other kids who drifted apart as we got older. We have always been friends and most likely will always be. Of course we had some rough patches, but we've gotten through them all.

"However," Mrs. Dolinger continues "I will be picking your partners so listen for your name to be called." She starts listing names and I tune out until I hear my name called. "Grey and Mendes, ..."

I turn my head to look at Shawn who is smiling. Looking at him I can't help but smile. He's one of those people whose smile is so contagious and it just makes you happy.

"Hello." He says with his smile growing slightly.

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