Chapter 2

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"So class we will be working with these partners for the next few months," Mrs. Dolinger continues "You will be completing one of your 3 major products for the year with this partner." 

I can feel Shawn staring at me his eyes burning holes through me. I try to ignore him and pay more attention to the teacher.

"At the end of this unit we will be showing the class your projects"  Mrs. Dolinger keeps talking while I try super hard to listen to her and ignore Shawn

Mrs. Dolinger was overall fairly laid-back, but she had her rules and if you didn't follow those rules there would be hell to pay. Her rules basically just stated that it had to be science related in some way. There have been some kids in the past who turn in a last minute project and gave some bs reason as to why it was science related, but somehow still got an A.

"Okay kids I'll let you get to work now," She sighs seeing kids pulling out their phone clearly not paying attention to her. "But just keep in mind this has to be big you can't do a cheesy volcano."

I turn and look at Shawn who is still smiling and staring at me.

"So what do you want to do for our project?" I ask looking at the floor so I wouldn't have to look at him

Shawn  and I spend the rest of the class brainstorming project ideas we decided to try to make fruit batteries. (Idk I looked it up online, if curious just look it up. Its a fifth grade project lol)

"Yes!" I scream when Shawn states the idea. The people around us turn to look at us. Then we turn to each other and start laughing. We have this moment were we just connect. Time seems to freeze and everything around us disappears. He stares deep into my eyes and I stare into his. Our little moment was interrupted by the bell ringing. 

I quickly grab my stuff off of the floor and walk quickly out the door. I'm meet at the end of the hallway by Jaxson who reaches out to take my books. 

"Hey Princess," he smiles at me "How was choir?"

"Good." I say staring at the ground I can feel my cheeks burning, and I can tell Jaxson knows something's up.

"What's wrong?" he asks with a worried tone.

"Nothing," I reply quickly "Is there any girl here that you think is cute?"

"Only one." he smiles "You! Why do you ask?"

"No reason." I'm still looking down at the ground when we arrive at my next class. I look up into Jaxson's eyes and he stares back with a worried look in his eyes. Then he kisses the top of my head and walks off. 

I enter the room and sit in my seat next to one of my friends. Then realizing that I have 4 minutes until the bell rings to start class I pull out my phone and open the instagram app. I scroll through liking a couple pictures as I go along. When  the teacher walks in I press the power button making the screen go black and shove it back into my backpack. 

"Good morning class," our teacher Mr. Kince yells causing me to jump. "Take out your notebooks we are going to take notes." 

We took notes the entire period right up to the bell. When the bell rang I shoved my notebook into my backpack, and stood up from my desk walking rather quickly to the door. I walk out of the Math room, and down the hall to my english class.

I enter the room, sit down in my desk, pull out my phone, bell rings, put my phone away, and the teacher starts lecturing about poetry. I zone out, and immediately start thinking about Shawn. Why was he staring at me the entire class period? I've never been the type of girl that a guy would stare at. Even with Jaxson we've been dating for almost a year now, and he hasn't/ doesn't stare at me.  

"Lacy?" my english teacher called on me to answer a question "could you tell the class who is the Poet who wrote 154 sonnets?"

"Shakespeare." I say quietly. 

"Correct," Then the teacher continues talking about William Shakespeare and all the things he did in his life. 

I still want to know why Shawn was staring at me. I would think everyone in our grade knows about Jaxson and I, so wouldn't that stop him from staring at me? Who knows, all I know is that I really want to know what is going on in that kids mind.

The rest of this period, and the period after that (Photography)  went by relatively quickly. With Shawn still on my brain I was freaking out about how I was going to tell Jaxson. With the next period being lunch I had to start coming up with my plan.

Jaxson  is the type that gets really jealous very easily. So what if I don't tell him? I think to myself What he doesn't know can't hurt him. Right? I continue to argue with myself in my head walking out of the classroom to be met by Jaxson waiting for me at the door.

"Hello again Beautiful." he says, the smile on his face growing bigger with every word. "How have your last two periods gone?"

"Boring," I answer smiling "You know notes, teachers, that shit."

"Sounds boring!" he exaggerates "Do you want to go get lunch somewhere?"

"Ya, but can Laura come?" I ask taking his hand into mine 

"Is she bringing Mason?" he asks

Mason is Laura's boyfriend,  but also Jaxson's best friend. So as you could probably guess we all do almost everything together. 

"I would assume so." I say

"Great," he responds "Let's go find them."


Let's 1017 words! Hope you liked this part. Also sorry it's a little late still trying to get some more reads on it! Love you!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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