Chapter 02

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"So, what do we have so far?" Kara asked me. I looked at the papers in front of me. They were perfectly separated into rows of 3.

"Well, I concluded so far that it's definitely more than just a school bullying. She's also being blackmailed and something further." I announced. But we have so little information. So I can't figure out anything further. Did you receive any names?"

I looked up and saw Kara flipping through a overflowing notebook with scribbles and drawings flying out. Real Professional. Finally the paper she was looking for flew out the notebook and landed on the floor next to her. She snatched the paper and examined it.

"She mentioned Hughson Walker as an enemy." Why am I not surprised.

Hughson was the school's most respected guy. He was a quarterback on the school's football team and very popular. But he wasn't cocky like most of the others.

Hughson was mentioned as the criminal or the suspects in almost every case I had. But all the cases ended with no evidence tracing back to him, such as robberies, pranks, and vandalism.

Shay Mason came in close second to Hughson. Her name was infamous around the school for many reasons. Most people would describe her as fake, snob, popular, etc.

"What was he accused of this time?" I asked.

"Nothing." She said astonished. "But she says she believes he has something to do with this." Kara sets the paper away from the pile and begins to search her laptop. I turned my head away and looked at the neatly separated papers in front of me. The endless amount of paper seem to themselves, saying the exact same thing on each of them. After staring at all of them, I scooped up all but one copy and threw it in the trash. I sat at my computer and began typing an email to our victim.

Dear Artemis,

We have decided that with the information we have is enough to infer how serious and time consuming this case is but isn't enough to decide where to start. I'm here to inform you that I will need either a email describe pass events, suspects, and helpful information or a day to meet again.

Sincerely, X

I click the send button and exit out the tab.

No more than five minutes later, I received an email.

Dear X,

I know many people who said they have been in the same situation at this school. I first heard about this freshman year. People would say it would start with anonymous treats and vandalization of their property. Then false rumors about them to hurt their reputation and humiliate them. Following that is being blackmailed and held against your will to do illegal things. I never been told anything specific but most say it ends violent. Many people say this happens to five people a year at this school. In freshman year, it happened to this girl named Clara. She thought it was a prank. But it wasn't. It grown into something huge. She started getting depressed and worried about her safety. Then one night she was found in the forest dead. Many started accusing the populars and the school. Later it was revealed that she was murder. But no one knew how or who did it.

From, Artemis

"Oh my god." I turned around and saw Kara, who had been reading over my shoulder this whole entire time. "Artemis could be in danger."

"Don't you think I know that." I said. I spun my chair around and made eye contact with Kara. "You know what this means? That we could have another dead client by December." I cringed as the words another dead client came out of my mouth. "If we're going to prevent death, were going have to start the case now"


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