Chapter 03

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"Do you have your lunch money" Mom asked me.






"What about your..."

"MOM I got to go!" I interrupted.

"Look I'm sorry. It's so just... I can't believe my youngest is a senior." Tears was running down her cheek. "Soon you'll graduate, go to college, get married, have kids."

"Yeah, okay. I just be going." I said and awkwardly walked out the front doors. The noise of my mother crying instantly muted when I closed the door.

High schoolers crowded Primrose High School. The school's parking lot was over flowing with High Schoolers. I pulled into one of the few open parking space and got out of the car.

"Kara!" I yelled. Surprisingly, she heard me through all the noise.

"Kara Maxwells at your service." She says causing me to smile. "What would you like me to assist you with?"

"Well, Ms.Maxwells, we need to find Garett and get to the computer lab before the homeroom bell rings. By the way, have you seen him?" I ask. Garett was basically the researcher or the information guy of my little group. Almost every mission wouldn't have been successful if it wasn't for him.

"Oh, you mean that tall guy standing next to the rest of the football team?" I looked over my shoulder and saw Garett, who happened to be wearing his varsity football jacket along with the rest of the football team. "Sometimes, I just wonder how that boy is even friends with us. He's just popular and we're, nothing," Kara says.

"Kara, I need you to go get Garett and bring him to the computer lab. I already be there." I began walking off into the swarm of high schoolers gather around. Being 5'5 makes it a little harder getting around considering that most of the boys at Primrose are 5'10 or taller. As I got further into the crowd, everything seemed to get more compact. By that I meant getting a little closer to people's bodies than I wanted to. As soon as I made it out if the crowd I bolted into the school, not aware that most of the students were inside.

Inside was a jungle.

Now there was two ways you can tell freshmen and other students apart. Freshman are more nervous and laid back. They aren't risky and are pretty cautious when it comes to associating with sophomores, juniors and seniors. Sophomore, juniors and seniors on the other hand, their more like FML and seemed to have gave up on life a long time ago. They really don't care about the rules.

I sprinted through the halls ignoring the teachers who were yelling at me to slow down and walk. The teachers didn't seem to put in much effort. As soon as I got into the computer lab I ran to computer number 23, the computer that didn't blocked websites and was untraceable.

I started typing in my student ID and logging into the computer as Kara and Garett showed up.

"Sorry I'm late," Kara begins. "Somebody decided it would be the perfect time to start sucking faces with someone."

"In my defense, I haven't seen Ann all summer." Garett says putting his hands in his pockets.

"You could have at least done it privately." I mumble shifting in my seat. "Anyways, Garett I have the email up on my computer, we have about 5 minutes before we have to separate. Start reading." I got up and let Garett take my spot.

Garett began reading the email. While reading it, he started shifting uncomfortably and running his hands threw his hair, causing me to grow very anxious. At last, he turned around to face us. But the expression on his face didn't wear the satisfaction I was looking for.

"Good news?" Kara began but was quickly cut off by Garett.

"There's barely any good news. This could be a life or death case." He say. "We chance of solving this case is low. We need to take this to the police."

"No, we have to solve it ourselves." I protested. "The police probably won't know what to do just like us."

"Sierra, come on. Do you really want to go through the incident again? The guilt, death, and grief? All because of you?" Kara asked firmly. Everything instantly became silent. At that exact moment I felt, I don't even know how to explain the emotions. Guilt? Anger? Grief? Maybe even hurt? Part of me couldn't even process what Kara just said. Before any words could escape her mouth, the warning bell rang, meaning we had two minutes to get to class. I gather my stuff avoiding eye contact with Kara and Garett and stormed out the room, ignoring Kara and Garett calling my name.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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