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I hold my breath as I step into the surprisingly warm and large office, I make eye contact with Mr. Saunders' cold blue eyes as soon as I fully open the door. I look down immediately, standing awkwardly in the doorway. After a few moments I finally manage to move my body to close the door before he starts yelling at me. My intimidation taking over causes sweat to form in the middle of my palm.

"You wanted to see me Mr. Saunders?" I ask lightly, I stand in front of the closed door not exactly knowing what to do with myself. He shuffles around a few papers, clearing his throat before he puts his pen down and gives me his full attention. There is a brown folder placed in front of him, my eyes look away before he notices.

"Yes, Miss Kane. Have a seat." He says and motions to the leather chairs in front of his desk. I move to one of the chairs, fold my hands in my lap and give him my attention. He looks down at his desk as he begins to speak.

"I have a...opportunity or job for you. Whichever you like to call it." He begins, I nod my head indicating that he has my attention, he takes that as his cue to continue talking.

"I know you've worked here for a little over two or so years now, but you haven't really been assigned a patient to look after daily, correct?" He asks, folding his hands on the shiny desk in front of him.

I nod my head, "Yes sir, that's correct." I say, he nods his head and begins to look through the papers in the folder. I try not to let my eyes linger on what he's doing for too long, I look down at my hands in my lap to distract myself.

"Well, not everyone knows this just yet but we have a new inmate coming in sometime tomorrow morning. They should be on their way here now actually. But I went over their file a few times and thought I'd let you give it a shot. Just try it for a few days and if it's too much I'll get another nurse on the case. If you manage to keep going, your pay will increase as well as your permanent position here at Saunders' Asylum. But if not you go back to your regular duties, taking orders from the other nurses and such. How does this sound to you?" When he finishes, I take a few seconds to let my brain absorb what he's just told me. A higher position? It's about time. A smile spreads across my face and I have to remind myself to remain professional and not get too excited in the presence of my employer.

"Yes, I can manage that." I say trying to sound confident. Hopefully it came off better than I think it did. He grins a little, his wrinkled face barely moving. His grey eyes moving down to the folder in front of him.

"Excellent, this is his folder. Go over it tonight, or whenever your shift ends, take in and memorize as much as you possibly can before tomorrow morning. If you're going to aide this man you need to know about him and what exactly he's coming in here for, just so you're prepared and are aware of what you're going to be dealing with. You may keep the copy if you wish, I have the official in my storage. Do research almost, just don't go into places where you can get into trouble. Also, be aware of the notes from his previous care takers. This one seems a little strange. But if you have problems don't hesitate to come to me." He says, I get the dismissive feeling and I stand, reaching for the folder he slid over to me. I grab the thick pile in my hands and turn to walk out the door. I exit quietly, making sure to not let the door slam.

I walk over to the reception desk, placing my elbows on the high counter as I lean over slightly, trying to get the attention of the receptionist, Melissa.

"What can I help you with Vi?" She asks me while looking down at her paperwork. She finished writing and looks up at me while dropping her pen.

"Did you happen to hear anything about a new inmate coming tomorrow?" I ask hopefully, I fold my hands together and look at her with wide blinking eyes. Mel and I are pretty alright friends, we talk and eat lunch at work but that's about it.

"Oh, yeah um apparently there's this guy from out of the country, I'm not sure where but he's coming here because the other hospital couldn't handle him I guess." She says and widens her eyes momentarily. All of that is probably in this folder I have in my hands, so I just nod, thank her and begin walking away.

"Why do you ask?" She stops me, she takes the glasses off the bridge of her nose and rubs the corner of her eye. I don't really have an answer for that honestly.

"I don't know, I just heard and wanted to see if it was true." I say, I turn and begin walking away but she stops me again by saying:
"Well I've heard some pretty creepy stuff about the guy so watch out." She says and begins writing on her papers again. I furrow my eyebrows but decide to not question what she means. I take notice that it's almost lunch time and am about to make my way over to the small lunch room before I'm stopped by a cold hand on my arm and a voice startling me slightly.

"Excuse me, could you possibly tell me where the visitors go?" I turn my head to see a man with his brown hair swept off to the side and out of his face. Slight facial hair is scattered across his nicely structured jaw, there are light bags under his eyes but they somehow add to his look. His bright blue-green eyes stare into my own hazel mixture. His cheekbones are prominent, his skin pale. I smile a little, wondering exactly how he got back here without checking in at the front desk like visitors were supposed to. 

"Oh yes, you take the hallway straight then take a right. That should lead you to the receptionist desk and she will help you from there." I smile up at the guy, he looks to be around my age maybe a little older.

He returns the smile, his white teeth making an appearance. I must say, he does have some attractive features. I'm brought out of my thoughts as his voice echoes in my ears. "My name is Logan, and you are?" He smiles at me, holding out his hand.

I offer a small closed mouth smile, shaking his hand before telling him my name. "Violet, but pretty much everybody calls me Vi." I explain, he nods and puts his hands in the pockets of his brown coat.

"Violet aye? A lovely name for a lovely girl, well if you'll excuse me." He says and winks before turning and walking in the direction I told him. My cheeks feel a little hot and I'm still smiling but I ignore it and try to regain my focus as I remember where I was previously headed. 

I push open the swinging door to the kitchen, the smell hitting my nose. There's a radio playing quite loudly somewhere in the back, there's  also the noisy clang of pots and pans to add to the mixture and different ladies shouting orders over one another to different people. I scrunch up my nose and manoeuvre my way to the open counter waiting for one of the cooks to notice me standing there.

After about a minute or two, an older woman with short brown-grey hair in a hairnet turns down the radio and wipes her hands on her apron. "Hello dear, how can I help you?" She asks in a raspy tone. I smile politely and tap my fingers against the counter top.

"Sorry to bother you ladies but I was just checking what was being served for lunch?" I ask, and shove my hands in my uniform pocket.

"Meatloaf, vegetables with potatoes and gravy. Served with a choice of cake or jello for dessert." She smiles at me, I offer a small smile in return, thank her and leave the room after her telling me to be back in about five minutes to help take in the lunch trays.

I decide to go to the staff washroom in the basement to wash my hands, since I was going to help with lunch. My feet take me down the hall and to the wooden door that leads downstairs. I twist the knob and flick on the light switch on the wall beside me when I enter. The light flickers before turning on completely, the dim orange light is barely enough to see three feet in front of me but it's enough so I don't fall down the stairs.

*EDITED 3.5.18*

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