chapter two

17 1 0

August 18


Off in the distance, Liam saw a figure skating his way. Obviously, it was Louis.

"Hey, mate!" Liam yelled, causing a few heads to turn.

"Hey, dork."

"That hurts, Louis." Liam said sarcastically, pounding his fist onto his chest.

Louis and Liam were on their way to class, when an Irish voice came up from behind them.
Louis rolled his eyes. Liam faked a smile.

"Hey boys!"

It was Niall, an actual dork. Niall had blonde hair with dark streaks in it, and crystal blue eyes. He was wearing some khaki pants along with a purple jacket. Louis and Liam were sort of friends with him, but Louis considered him a nuisance; Liam was okay with him though. He just thought he was a little weird, but that was okay in his opinion. Nothing wrong with being a little different from the rest.

"Hey, Niall!" Liam said with actual apparent JOY in his voice, which Louis thought to be insane, because Niall was a NUISANCE, and nothing better. Liam always tried to convince Lou that Niall was pretty chill, but Louis didn't want to believe it.

"What cless do yeh have ferst pehriod?" Niall asked. He had a heavy accent and sometimes it was hard to understand what he was saying.

"Arithmetic. Louis has English. Right Lou-?" But Louis was gone. Liam thought nothing of it; he was probably searching for the supposed "hot girl".

"Thet's strehnge." Niall stated. "Wher do ya think he es?"

"Probably searching for girls. I'm off to class. See ya later." Liam shrugged.


First period seemed to go on forever. Liam just couldn't stop thinking about that girl, what she looked like, what her name was - it seems a bit stalker-ish, but Liam was genuinely curious.


"Oh, is this her?" Ms. Kornwasser said, opening the door.

In the frame of the door was the most beautiful girl Liam had ever seen. She was all natural, wearing no makeup, but she was GORGEOUS. Liam looked around and saw a few boys' jaws dropping.

"Class," Ms. Kornwasser said. "this is our new student, Anna."

Anna had dark skin and curly hair. Her eyes were light - a sort of greenish blue; gorgeous.

Liam NEEDED to know more about this girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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