Chapter 3~ Feelings

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He saw me. He saw my reaction and for a second I thought he would come to me but he just stood there.

I left Carol standing in the hall. I ran to the nearest hiding spot. I wanted the world to open and chew me alive. Apart from feeling terrified and mortified. I was embarrassed. I was embarrassed of all the things I had done and for all the things I wanted to do. What I felt most ashamed of was the fact that even after knowing who he is it doesn't change how I feel about him. That attraction is still there.

I ended up in the girls bathroom. I splashed water on my face hoping that would bring my senses back and help me think straight again. However all it did was get my shirt wet.

"Why him? Why Ryan? Why not the devil himself. What am I going to tell Vic? And Carol? Oh Gosh they're going to hate me." I was rambling uncontrollably when a little ninth grader comes out one of the stalls. She quickly washed her hands and rushed out. There was no point in staying any longer. It wouldn't change the past.

The halls were all clear. Everyone was in a classroom. I was half way up the second floor when I realized I didn't have 1st period in the second for or in this building. My mind was definitely somewhere else. I wasn't functioning correctly. I went around in circles until I was finally in my class. If Mr. Brady said something or not I don't know it. I simply sat on my desk and stared at the board. The hour went by in a blur the bell rand. I got up and left.

"Nora! Nora! Nora!" Carol was running through the hall. Pushing students out of her way until she reached me. "Why didn't you wait for me? You ditch me in the hall earlier but I thought you just wanted to be on time to class. Is something wrong?"

"I'm sorry Carol. There's been a lot on my mind. It's not you I promise. It's me"

"That almost sounds like you're breaking up with" her little effort to cheer me up helped.

"Of course not babe. You're my best gal"

"I've been looking for you two all morning. Have you guys been avoiding me?" Vic came from behind us putting one arm on each of our shoulders as we continued are walk down the hall.

"No. How could you possibly ever think that" it wasn't a complete lie. He hadn't crossed our path all morning. But we both had wish this moment wouldn't come. "We have something to tell you Vic. I don't know how you're going to take it but please we need you to...keep your cool" there was no way for me to tell him. I was just hoping Carol would cut in and break the news to him. But she was never good at these things.

"If it has anything to do with that dip shit returning to town. I don't want to hear it. For all I care he's just as dead to me as she is"

"Vic it's been 2 years". Carol finally cut in

"It doesn't change the fact that she's dead. Okay. He killed her". His words cut deep into me.

"We don't know-"

"I know enough. And I'm not going to waste another moment on his sorry ass. As long as he doesn't dare to cross my path I will maintain my angry towards him" Vic was 6 feet tall. Captain of the wrestling team. He could easily take out out Ryan.

"Let's get to class"

Not another word was said about Ryan through out the day. That didn't change the face that he was probably on everyone's mind. Alleged killer back in town. I'm surprise it wasn't in today's newspaper. Sarah was just a freshmen with big high school dreams. Straight A student with a social status higher than any one else. First year in and she already had Vic falling head over heels for her. She had everything she could ever wish for. However her biggest mistake was falling for the wrong guy. That mistake took her to the grave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2013 ⏰

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