The First Steps are the Hardest!

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Dedicated To: Those who read my previous story.

"Urgh... why is this stupid hill so freakishly high!" Flame moaned as he walked alongside us. The Charmeleon had been groaning and moaning all afternoon and I almost felt like threatening him if he would not stop. 

However, being the patient and tolerant girl I was... totally... I was willing to give him a chance to shut his mouth and walk on in silence. How nice of me now, eh? So I just ran own, ignoring that fired-up reptile's protests. 

Though much to my annoyance, he wasn't the only one complain. But I mean... It's not my fault that boys can be so lazy sometimes. 

"Aki... please slow down for a change," Snow pleaded as he shot a 'puppy-eyed look' towards me. He knew how hard it was for me to resist that, that little Absol! I laughed. 

"Maybe... depends on whether you are willing to shut the mouth of that annoying reptile for once," I compromised. Snow sighed. "Oh all right! I'll slow down without you having to shut that reptile up!"

"You do know that we're not running a marathon, so we don't have to run?" he asked me, with an annoying smirk. I mean, I loved that Absol... I really did, but sometimes he did get a bit annoying. I muttered a few words about his annoying behaviour of today and slowed down, wondering if that pokemon that had turned me into an Absol on that day, a few weeks or days (I've really not kept track of things) ago, had gone somewhere completely different and if thanks to the trio I have to drag along with me I might not be able to catch up with it.

You see, some time ago I hated pokemon and thanks to a certain Absol this opinion had changed. I still remember how I started hating pokemon and I still don't always feel comfortable around some, like Snubulls and Ursarings... but otherwise my view on the pokemon changed. 

And it also wouldn't have happened if some pokemon (or I assumed it was a pokemon) hadn't changed me into an Absol. Now, I was going to find it... and give it a piece of my mind. Or maybe some peach cobbler. What? Those things were delicious. 

Anyways, I was saying all three pokemon disliked the very thought of climbing the hill we were now climbing. My father used to say that the first steps were the hardest... I was pretty sure he meant this about pokemon, not humans. 

I found the climb simple. One step at a time, I was able to walk through the tall grass, whilst the shorter pokemon were trying to catch up, but since they couldn't see me they often got lost. I ended up having to carry Charmeleon, who thought that his firey tail was a good enough excuse. But what I don't get is why then could he have lived in a forest? Someone explain this to me. 

The Glameow, Silver Claw, who was Snow's friend was the most silent one. Perhaps he was guilty, he would probably start complaining soon again. He was a Glameow after all. 

"So anyone have any idea where to head next?" I asked, looking at everyone. The pokemon were silent, before they shook their heads. I sighed. "I could have just gotten you all back into your pokeballs... which reminds me, do you think you grandfather would know, Snow?" 

"I doubt, he's never met many strong pokemon," Snow replied. 

"Well that was... not very helpful," I commented. 

"And your... rather... blunt... you know that?" Snow retorted. Oh boy, another argument headed my way. 

"Not my fault, Mr. Perfect Absol," I retorted back, glaring at him. Don't blame me... he started it. I took out a map from my backpack and looked at it. "We meet again... old enemy," I muttered back, pretending to challenge back.

"Settling the old score I see, darling," Snow mocked me, smirking. I shot him another glare, seeing him lower his tail. He pretended to be scared. I must admit, he looked adorable when he was scared. 

I looked at the map. Everything was confusing. But then, I never liked map work anyway. I still managed to make out all the towns though. "I suppose if we tried to go as far out from civilization as possible, we'd have better luck," I muttered to myself. 'Or I hope we do,' I thought. 

"You suppose, well that's reassuring," Flame drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I looked down at him. He was pretty large and I could have just dropped him, as a metre long lizard would just slow me down. I mean why not.

"Well if you're gonna complain, you might as well walk while you're at it," I said. Charmeleon suddenly had a fearful look on his face, his eyes wide. 

"No, your words were VERY reassuring, sorry for doubting your skill. Just please don't make me walk this hill!" he protested loudly. I smiled. 

"Much better."

I then continued looking over the map. Or at least trying to look at the map. 

30 minutes later, after a lot of interruptions from my complaining team, I finally managed to pick the direction we could head. 

Unfortunately, as I continued walking in that direction, I just realized that the map came from 50 years earlier. If you wanted to ask me how, ask my wet clothes or that stupid bridge that was now lying by the side of the lake I had just fallen into. I can say two words: Epic Fail. 

"You know, I didn't think you humans loved swimming that much," Silver Claw finally spoke and when he did, I wished he had continued to be silent. This would most definitely be a long journey. I sighed and decided to ignore the cat.

And that's the end of the first chapter. Yeah, not the best, but then again my stories of late haven't been very good. Also I decided not to include much of the events from the last stories. 

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