Colder Than Ice and Sharper Than Shards

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My lips quivered, as I attempted to voice my displeasure at the situation, only for my vocal chords failing me. Instead I let out a shaky sigh, rubbing my hands against one another in an attempt to warm myself somehow. My pokemon weak and weary from the fight now resided in their pokeballs and I had no option but to trudge on alone, through the frigid wasteland which I had hoped would lead me to my goal. However, so far, I had no such luck. 

This frozen desert (and that is the bad kind of desert, not a sweet dessert, for your information), seemed to stretch on forever, whether stooping lower, or raising it's peaks past the clouds, it offered no path, no clue, nothing that would lead me out of here. It was an endless world of cold and dark. I was sure I heard that phrase somewhere... 

My eyes lit up in joy and the world seemed to brighten for just a moment as I saw something lying just a few hundred metres from me. A cave! At least something in the cold, dark, hell-hole of a place. Worse then hel. And yes, I meant the Norse hell. The damn christian one would at least have been warm, for god's sake! But, I digress. Anyway, I could see the cave slowly getting larger as I trudged on, my shoes and clothes too cold and soaking for me to even care, my body numb to most of the cold now. 

I finally entered the cave, noting how much more solid the ground how darker it seemed. It seemed impossible to me, just seconds ago, that something could get darker than the mountains themselves. And yet, it seemed perfectly possible now, as my pupils dilated to take in as much light as they could find. 

I could sense something about this place right from the start. There was something off about the colour of the stone and about the strange, pictures cut out into the walls. It seemed to stretch out further, forming a cavern of sorts. Walking forward, I kept cautious at all times, with each sense sharp - well, except for my sense of touch, which was somewhat... out of order, shall we say. 

As the caverns took me further, the place seemed to light up. As peculiar as it was, the source of the illuminating light was even stranger. Gems seemed to adorn the blackened stone, glittering and glowing, sending a miraculous burst of light at the gave from everywhere. I was so at awe, that I though nothing of the shadow passing by my figure and then vanishing into the depths of its cavernous lair. Blinking, I wondered if this was real. I stretched out my hand, touching the rock. I couldn't quite get the texture, but it felt solid enough. 

Too curious to care about my exhaustion, the hunger and the cold I was finding myself in, I looked on, my eyes catching sight of the strange pictures on the walls. As I eyed them closely, I could see drawings of what looked like pokemon - ones that I had never seen before, including ones I have met only just a while ago. I could not help but think that whoever had drawn them here, must have had a lot of skill. That and they must have resided here. Which meant... 

"Yurem!!!!" a roar resounded through the caverns. 

I froze. 

"Rem!" the creature roared again, forcing me to turn around.  

Slowly, I turned around, taking a step back as I saw the creature. It stood tall and intimidating, it's yellow orbs watching me with a piercing me with its dangerous glare. It's steel colour body towered over me, looking so ancient and powerful, I could swear it was a legendary. Except, what sort of legendary could inhabit such a sombre place? So cold and isolated? 

I flinched as it growled at me. Well, this one definitely could, I silently decided. 

"L-l-look buddy, I know I may not be t-the best g-g-guest ever, but there's no need to be a-a-angry at me," I stammered nervously, placing my arms defensively in front of me. It's glare only seemed to grow darker. 

I took another step back, bumping into the wall rather clumsily. It stalked up to me, its head held low, so that its intimidating gaze could meet my frightened one. Looking up to the row of sharp teeth sticking out from its bottom jaw, I wondered if this pokemon perhaps ate humans. I gulped, praying that it was strictly vegetarian... as stupid as that sounded. 

"P-please..." I squeaked, pushing the back of my head against the rock, as I tried to avoid the creature's gaze. It seemed to judge me, trailing its yellow eyes down my scrawny figure. It seemed to think me a too petty a source of food, for it pulled its head back, shaking it, before letting out a snort. A sort of smirk crawled up the creature's twisted, mangled jaws, etched with in-explainable blue-grey crests and spikes. 

"Kyu... rem..." it seemed to hiss lowly, looking back at my eyes, moving its head and neck in an almost Seviper-like fashion. It was hypnotic and disconcerting. "Yure..." A chuckle seemed to follow, reverberating through the caverns. 

I cowered a little, shrinking. It opened its jaws, showing off the to row of its teeth too. Definitely not a vegetarian. 

"I-I-I'll leave you be, never t-tell about this places, just let me go..." I begged now. 

With my pokemon down and no skill in martial arts, what hope did I have? It didn't looked like it would back away. Like it would let me go. In fact, it looked as though it was just about to attack. So, I did the only things I could... and closed eyes tightly shut. And waited. 


Third Person P.O.V

Shaking its head, the bipedal creature standing in the shadows of the cave sighed. Why did humans always insist in getting themselves into trouble? Would it not have been better to just let what happen happen and not question it? 

"Hey! Twosie, whatcha' doing here?!" an annoying voice suddenly cried out, out of nowhere. 

The pokemon whose eyes had been dead set on the girl, slowly turned around, with a low, angry rumble. 

"Great," mumbled the bipedal creature, crossing its grey arms at its chest. It glowered at the tiny, cat-like pokemon that had interrupted him. "Now I have this to deal with. And you to thank for it." 

The cat-like pokemon just grinned nervously, before mysteriously vanishing. Leaving his so-called brother in a very bad situation. 

(A/N - Sorry that I haven't updated in a while and that this chapter is so short. I just, wanted to leave this at a cliff hanger and I couldn't help myself. So, I hope it leaves you hanging for just a little longer, until I figure out just how to continue it.

I hope you've enjoyed the chapter and I will try and update more, so please bear with me. Or badger.)

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