Chapter 11

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Jessica's POV

Melissa didn't come down when the pizza came, which was odd, but she had a rough day so I didn't want to bug her. Aaron had this great idea of giving the tracking chip in a handful of change when we paid the pizza guy so that it would constantly fool my uncle, and give us some time to figure out what we were going to do.

When Aaron and I finished eating it was almost seven. I tried getting Melissa to eat something, but she was sleeping when I got upstairs. It was unusual that she wasn't hungry, but then again it wasn't. We had been on weird eating schedules since George caught us so it didn't worry me too much.

Aaron and I sat down on the couch and I knew exactly what he was going to ask me. I tried putting it off earlier while we were eating, but he seemed more determined than ever now. I'd try and avoid eye contact and pretend that I was still admiring the house, but it didn't fool him.

"So, are you going to tell me what's going on? Why you had a tracking chip in your phone and why you and your sister are all beaten up?" I avoided looking at him, but his eyes were fixed on me.

"Well, yeah. Um, I-I just don't really know where to start." I glanced at him before I redirected my attention back to my hands that were in my lap.

"How about from the beginning?" He smiled when I nodded.

I told him everything, well almost everything. I told him how Uncle George had been abusing Melissa and me ever since my mom died and we were forced to live with him. I told him that my grandmother didn't die, and I was gone from school because I tried to run away with Melissa. I told him about how my brother was framed with drug charges and sent to a mental hospital by my uncle, and how he killed himself after a few months. The only thing I did leave out was my reoccurring mental health problems since that was the last thing we should be worrying about...

After I had finished ranting, Aaron just sat there, staring not at me, but at his lap. I knew it was a lot to digest, but he was our last hope and if he could help us, then he'd need to know as much as possible. I felt bad; I'd never liked dumping my problems on other people. Growing up with my Aunt, it was weak if I'd try and get others to help with my problems. I was raised thinking this, and now that I'm old enough I realize that I cannot do this alone anymore.

After what seemed like hours of silence, he leaned over the couch and hugged me tightly. "Jessica, I had no idea. If I'd known- maybe I- I don't know." My heartbeat slowed, he's not going to abandon us. He is going to try and help. I smiled into his shoulder at the thought.

"You didn't know because- I didn't want you to... I didn't want anyone to know because-well because I thought I could deal with it on my own. I thought I could protect Melissa as well, but look at her. I haven't done a very good job..." I put my hands back in my lap, thinking of all the times Melissa was hurt because of me and because of my carelessness.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I look up to meet Aarons caring eyes. "Hey, none of this is your fault, ya here me? None of it." I didn't look back up at him; my eyes were fixed at the floor.

This whole thing felt so weird. I was doing the exact thing that I swore I'd never do. I knew how dangerous it could be, bringing in someone from the outside in to try and help. I promised Melissa that I'd fix everything, that I'd find a way to save us and still keep us together at the same time. I was breaking just about every rule that I set for her. I am such a hypocrite.

"What is going on in that brain of yours, Jess?" Aaron poked my forehead making me realize that we were still sitting in the living room discussing my past. Oh how I wished I were able to fast-forward from that awkward conversation. Maybe I could make myself invisible and just disappear until I figure something out... But Aaron was already involved and there was no point in turning back now. I'll just have to remain confident that I made the right decision. That shouldn't be hard... god, what am I doing. This is only going to end badly!

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