Chapter5: Accidents

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He stared at me, eyes surprisingly unmoved.
The air was freezing as North Pole.
"That's why you need a hostage to make me oblige to you." I looked at him, but he shook his head.
"I told you. It was an accident. Having a big trouble at my place and piss you off, the cost of this strategy seems not so beneficial.
But it happened. I was holding the bouquet when you came from the other direction. I intended to give you a flower, ask you out, and..."
"Stop right there. Why am I supposed to go out with you because of a stupid rose?" I questioned. "I hate it."
He frowned like I just asked him who Thomas Edison was. "Roses are my representative, by touching them, one will be totally controlled. I didn't tell you since you said you know me." He snapped.
"Uh, I know you're a creepypasta." I admitted sheepishly.
"Nothing else?" The naughty smile climbed onto his lips again.
Embarrassed, I looked away. "No."
"Ohhhhhh, snap." He teased, "Seriously, am I not popular enough, or it is only because of some nerdy guys locking themselves at home and never come out to see the world?"
"That's probably because your deviantART is lesser than others', so I don't pay that much attention to you." I tried to fight back. "There's so much fanfic in the world to see, not only yours."
"Wait, fanfic?" He asked, slightly tilting his head.
And I'd love to take this advantage.
"Here's one, let me show you." I chose one from a random website, showing him the article.
At first he was paying full attention, then he started to frown.
Five minutes later, he pushed it away. "I can't." Covering his mouth, Smexy looked like he was going to throw up at any moment. "It'' can you write something like this, without being ashamed? Did you write this?"
"No, not yet." I grinned. "Oh, wait. The one you were reading was a porn fanfic...I must have mistaken it, sorry."
"Nevermind, let's keep going." He pulled his black vest, as if it went too tight around his body. "At that moment I expected you to pick the flower up...but your friend did it for you. She was affected by my power, so I guess she acted like she was obsessed with me, right?"
"That's why we were at the street which we met you." I nodded.
"Makes sense. After you ran away, your friend...she attempted to talk with me, and I realized that she had accidentally touched the rose, which caused a tremendous trouble to everyone. So, for the best solution, I changed my plan and took her away, after that I went to check you and you kicked me in the ass." He sighed. "You just won't understand how could a small mistake screw up everything until now, and it hits home as Hell does. Now, question time."
"You took Denise away to protect her?" I said.
"Mostly for my own boss won't be so happy if she died."
"What's your job?"
"I'll tell you later. Don't look at me like that, I will, and I must do it."
"What's the threat?"
"You'd better not to know. Curiosity kills the cat."
"I don't care, unless I know everything or there's no way I'm gonna help you."
Smexy cussed under his breath, and turned over to look at the window. To be honest, if it were not for Denise then I would have kicked him in the face.
It felt like forever before he turned around to face me and said. "My brother." The way he stared at me obviously implied that this wasn't a proper question to ask. Just when I wanted to apologize, the male's eyes widened, soon they narrowed cautiously, shooting a sharp glare toward somewhere outside the window. "Come with me, and don't look back before I stop." He whispered to me, then said with an audible voice. "I'll pay for the bill."
As he walked to the counter, I stood up and followed him. Tried to stay calm and smile casually, the frequency of Smexy glancing at the same window was roughly 10 times per minute. But the clerk, who didn't seemed to notice, kept trying to flirt with him, making the male's smile more and more horrible, imagine when your mother caught you using her lipstick and that's it.
"Damn it, aunty. I don't have time to hang out right now."
Finally someone's tolerance had came to their limit, so Smexy left the cash there and led me to the exit.
"Remember, don't look back, and never say a word." He reminded, eyes seriously staring at mine. "I'll walk slowly so you can follow, and take you to a safe place. Just don't do the two things so he can't spot us. He'll probably think that you're my prey."
I nodded, secretly wondering if "he" meant his brother, and the reason why they didn't get along with each other. Still, I couldn't ask.
"OK. Let's go." He grabbed my wrist and started walking.
As soon as I stepped forward, a shiver rushed down my spine, it felt like a pure feeling of murder, hate, and some chaotic emotions pouring into your brain, I forced myself to move on.
"Girl, don't worry." Smexy murmured, but he didn't stop, "They can't do anything to you... but I can." He turned, smiling seductively.
Seeing his smile, although I tried to stay silent, although I tried to believe that he was acting, but a thought started to eat my sanity.
Was he reliable?
He took my friend from me, he was a monster, and he did say he wanted to take advantage of my whatever-that-was ability. Maybe he was cheating, the whole thing was a hoax; an organized trap.
I opened my mouth, ready to inquire.
"Hey," Suddenly he said. "You want some chocolate, too?"
"Aww, thanks. What a nice treat!" A male's tender voice answered, "But... no, not now. Maybe after I finish your lesson? You don't seemed so introspective, even after last night."
I peeped at Smexy, seeing the bandages on his wound.
Smexy pushed past me, shielding me with his taller figure. Looking past him, I saw a man that resembled Smexy, only his blond hair was longer, reaching his shoulder. Those blue eyes looked warm and loveable at first sight, but the harshness hidden inside send chills down my spine as well...he was the one whom followed us here, Smexy's brother.
"Hi Roxanne, you like my card, don't ya?" The man in his business suit smiled politely.
"What card?" At first I was confused, then I remembered. "You're the pale one that visited my house."
"YOU'VE VISITED HER BEFORE?" The anger bursting from Smexy made me horrified. He let out a furious growl.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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