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 The voices. The voices. The voices. They chime like bells, bark like dogs, scream like banshees. The voices, they never stop. They follow me around. They taunt me. I can taste them, like metal: sharp, bitter, and undesirable. I can feel them; they're like needles pricking me over and over again. Prick. Prick. Prick. They come from her, she's always right by me, breathing down my neck. Before I see her dark brown and purple hair I can always feel her icy wind blowing on me, chilling me to the bone. The voices. They'll haunt me for the rest of my life.

They wake me up at night. They like to hear me cry. They laugh as I fall apart, but most of all, they like when they win. When they can get me to do things. It's a game to them. They like it because I always lose. Every day is a game and tonight is no different. It starts in the walls, a moaning, heavy breathing. Then I hear the creaking of Lily walking up the stairs. Soon after I can sense her presence, I can't see her yet because I'm facing my wall, but I can smell her perfume, it's kind of fruity, and I can feel her breathing on my neck. Slowly, I turn my head away from my wall towards the rest of my bedroom. I'm met with two bright green eyes and a hallow face. The skin appears to be falling off, rotting in places, but I can't smell it. All I can smell is that overpowering scent of her perfume. She grins, showing off a yellowed smile with several missing teeth. Everything about her is small, sunken in, rotting, except for her hair which is still long and silky. Like feathers, it tickles my skin. Her grin becomes wider and she sits on the edge of the bed. I can feel my heart pounding. Ba-bum. Ba-bum. Ba-bum.

My heart beats faster and faster, I can feel my heart in my throat. "Why didn't you save me?" I taste salt; I hadn't realized that I'm crying. The voices yell at me. They tell me that I'm going to die, but I already knew that. After all this time I knew that the day would come. The voices would become too much for me to handle. Too much. Too much. Too much. Lily would come seeking revenge. I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm dying. She pulls a knife from behind her back, the same one I had used when I stabbed my poor dog. I shudder remembering how loud the voices had become, how I had laughed. Stab. Stab. Stab. That's what Lily was going to do to me now. I could tell by that grin on her face. She was going to kill me here in my own bedroom and her and all the monsters and demons would watch my body pour out that red viscous liquid. They would all watch me breathe my last breath and chuckle at my misfortune.

Demons come out of the monster on the other side of the room, flying everywhere. The monster smiles happily at their release. They begin to lick at my arms and legs with more vicious hunger than earlier this week. Monsters crawl out from under the bed and in the corners to come see what's about to occur. They all laugh and push each other playfully because to them it's still a game. Cool metal brushes against my skin, barely scraping me. Warm blood drips down my arm where the metal kissed. It burns, like a cool fire. Two more times she glides the knife over me. Then she gets up to stare down at me. She lifts the knife up, much like I did to the little girl, and brings it down into my chest. I gasp for breath, suddenly feeling woozy as she slowly drags the blade out of me. Stab. She then presses it into me again, this time into the right side of my abdominal. Stab. The third time she doesn't waste a second before stabbing me in the right thigh. Stab. She laughs and walks swiftly out of the room. As soon as she's gone the demons and monsters creep back into their hiding places. I'm left alone, bleeding and fading in out of consciousness. I look down into my right hand before closing my eyes and waiting for the end to come. In my hand is a blood stained, shiny silver knife.

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