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1705, March 3rd


Kaine felt the blood drip through his fingers, the heart still beating and warm in his palm, the veins and tendrils still connected to its owner, keeping his victim alive and terrified. Kaine grinned as he listened to the man scream in horror and fear as the woman Kaine had just murdered began to convulse, her body going into an epileptic fit. Kaine looked the man in the eyes as he ripped the heart from the woman and enjoyed the blood splattering all over him. "Do you believe me now, Lord Fredrickson? I am a monster of the night," he growled as he took a bite of the still warm heart, swallowing the piece whole. "Delicious," he mocked as he cleaned his fangs with his bloody tongue. "Your little sister was quite the treat. What shall be next? Your wife? Your newborn son? I hear babies are quite the delicacy around this time of year."

"No!" The man begged the monster which stands before him. "Please! I'll do anything you want! Just leave my family alone!"

Kaine dropped the heart upon the cold, marble floor and paced around him. "A bargain?" Kaine laughed mercilessly, watching the man flinch and recoil every time Kaine came near him. "Well, I daresay, Lord Fredrickson, that is most unlike you at all. Perhaps you aren't a selfish brute like I believed you to be. So," Kaine circled around Lord Fredrickson, mockingly tapping his chin in mock wonder. "What do I want? Money? No, I have plenty of that. Land? No, I own fifteen lands already. Hmm..."

"Please," Lord Fredrickson begged once more. "I will give you anything, I beg of you; leave my wife and son be."

Kaine tipped his head back as he lugged manically. "Where was such compassion and noble tone when your sister begged for your help, begged for your love as her brother when she was being attacked by my kin? You shunned her because she was a whore, living off every gold coin that was given to her by men which worked for you. She whored herself because you exiled her with no place to go. I should kill you where you stand...however, I have a better idea."

"Anything," the man begged, falling to his mortal knees.

You shall regret those words, Kaine thought with malicious joy. "A daughter," Kaine said finally. "I want the first born daughter from your bloodline. Once a first born daughter from your bloodline reaches her twentieth birthday at dawn, I shall take her as my bride. And then your bloodline will end." A wave of his hand, black mist gathered around his fingers as he placed his fingers upon Lord Fredrickson's forehead and the mist absorbed into his body until it vanished. "She must be innocent and pure," Kaine laughed as he turned to leave. "Let's hope your bloodline never births any girls, let's hope they stay alive until their twentieth birthday."

Kaine vanished into the night as quickly as he came, leaving behind a terrified human who prayed to God that he never had a daughter.

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