Ch. 1

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~Ch. 1~

100 Years Later...

1805, June 15th


The sky was bleak and grey, rain gently poured upon the stone roof and the window outside of Keira Eleanor's bedroom, she watched the rain drops dance together as they trickled down to the bottom of the window pane. She did not mind the sound of the rain, in fact she found it soberingly peaceful during the lonely nights in which she spent alone; her mother and father away from dusk until dawn most days. All the company she truly had was the occasional servant bump into her even though they attempted with extreme difficultly to avoid Keira, though she did not know why. She knew that the few servants her mother and father employed were afraid of them however it confused her as to why the feared Keira. Perhaps their fear of her parents aided in their fear of her, however she would never know; they never stayed in her presence long enough to find out.

Sighing, Keira decided to sleep instead of allowing her mind to drift off to things she does not yet quite understand or have the knowledge to understand. She pulled her sheets up to her chin and rolled onto her side, holding onto her pillow and wished it was someone with her, giving her comfort in the terribly lonely night.


Morning came when Keira opened her eyes to a delightful sight of glistening rain drops still resting upon her window, like millions of diamonds shining down upon her. "Beautiful," she whispered to herself and was quite surprised when she received a reply back.

"Yes, the rain infused with sunlight is quite beautiful." Keira sat up sharply in her bed to find her father sitting at the end. His hair was ruffled and his short beard unkept, he wore the same clothes as last evening and his eyes were tired and drooping slightly. He gazed at Keira with a sadness that she had never seen before, usually her father is withheld and concentrated however sitting at the end of Keira's bed he looked exhausted and lost.

"Father," she gently questioned, moving forward to place a soft hand upon his, "what is wrong? Is everything all right?" She looked up at his exhausted face and worry set into her heart as she watched him manage a smile. He told her that he was all right, that he just had a long night. He asked if she would go with him to see her mother, who last night had taken ill and her company would bring a smile to her face. "Of course, Father, I shall see Mother after I have been dressed and I break my fast. Is she all right, Father?"

Her father hesitated a moment before he sighed, leaned over and kissed his daughter upon her brow. "Go do what you must and then see your mother. I have errands to attend to so I shan't be home until supper. But after I get back I have someone I would like you to meet."

"Really? Whom is it you wish me to be acquainted with?" Her father chuckled whilst commenting on how impatient she was before he stood up from her bed and left her room, calling for a maid to help her dress for the day. It took no longer than hour for Keira to be dressed in her favourite lavender coloured dress and then head into the dining room to break her fast.

"What would ya like ta eat, ma'am," asked Greta, Keira's Scottish cook. A sweet old lady that has been with Keira for as long as she could remember, she has been a wonderful friend to Keira for many years and her smile always warmed Keira's heart. Her white hair seemed forever bound in a bun upon her head, her round frame Keira had loved to be embraced in as a child, her wrinkles showed every smile she ever wore on her lips, her eyes grey but filled with kindness and her hands, wrinkled and scarred, proved all the hard work she had done in her lifetime. "I can always make ya favourite morning meal, me sweet?"

Keira grinned happily. "I am always glad to have your cooking, Greta, you are a wondrous cook."

Greta smiled lovingly as she turned around to cook for Keira, ordering the other maids to set the table. Two maids came from the kitchen holding cutlery and a plate, setting them in front of Keira with a glass of wine by her plate. "Thank you," Keira said as she picked up her glass and took a sip of her wine.

"You are welcome, ma'am," whispered one.

"Enjoy your morning meal," mumbled the other maid. As they began to walk back into the kitchen, Keira listened as they began to whisper to each other. "Did you hear, the Master's wife has taken ill."

"Yes," they conspired. "I witnessed it late last evening, there was much blood upon her clothing! I had seen she had a nasty wound on her shoulder, the Master hopes it won't fester."

"Should it fester I do not believe she would make it through the next morning."

Now gone, Keira hoped dearly for her mother as premature grieving set its place into her heart. Perhaps that is why Father did not answer me, she thought sadly however shook her head as her morning meal was served to her. "Everything will be all right," she muttered quietly to her self. "Mother has always pulled through, she can fight this, too."


Dressed for the day and her morning meal consumed, Keira stood at her mother and father's chambers, her fist hovering above the door, nervous and a little frightened as she feared for her mother's condition and wondered if it was truly as bad as the gossiping maids say so. Soon, after taking in a shaky breath, Keira knocked upon the wooden door and waited for her mother's voice. When a faint shaky voice commanded her presence, Keira opened the door and stepped inside, unprepared for the sight that stood before her.

Her mother lay upon her bed, sweating and pale, her breathing was short as if she were a fish out of water, her skin was shrunken, like leather wrapped around twigs; she was deathly skinnier than she had been yesterday and the wound upon her neck smelled of sewage and rotten flesh - it had festered. Swallowing the bile which threatened to rise, Keira walked to her mother's side and grasped hold of her frail hand. "Mother," Keira greeted and gave her mother her best smile as her mother looked up at her, her eyes red and swollen, her veins pulsing around her temple.

"Keira," her mother puffed heavily, "my beautiful...daughter. How was...your morning, my dear?"

"The morning has been quite usual, Mother. However, this early morning as I awoke, I glimpsed out of my chamber window and I had seen the sunlight piercing the raindrops and it was quite melancholy yet very beautiful," Keira claimed as she remembered the sparkling raindrops in the sunlight.

Her mother smiled proudly. "You have always...had the find the things that most...would see as deplorable. You are an enchanting woman...and you deserve...the best this world...could ever offer." Her mother began to cough violently and small drips of blood seeped from the corners of her mouth.

Keira worriedly gripped her mother's hand tightly, fear and sorrow began to settle into her heart and she knew her mother was dying. Tears welled in her eyes and poured down her cheeks, small sobs escaping her throat even though she attempted to contain them. "Oh, Mother," she whispered sadly.

"Hush, my daughter," her mother gasped. "Let me tell you...what I must before I go." Keira wanted nothing more than to call for someone so that her mother gets the medicine she needed, Keira wanted to tell her mother that she loved her dearly - but she knew what she must do. Her mother was speaking her last will to Keira, so she must listen, despite the overwhelming need to cradle her mother and scream with sadness. Keira nodded and sat beside her mother, stroking her mother's hand with her thumb. "Thank you." Her mother cleared her throat. "I wish nothing but the best...for you, Keira, so I have...arranged a betrothal for you. His name is Joshua...and I think you will like him...very much. I know that you...are not eighteen yet...but we want you to be married to...a kind and good man...and Joshua is just that. Believe me, Keira...I have known him his whole life...and you know I would not...engage you to him...if I thought there was...even an ounce of bad in him. Will you...promise me one small thing...Keira?" Keira nodded as she wiped away tears. "Promise me will always be happy. Even if...your happy for...the small things this life...has to offer you. And promise me that you...will find the beauty in things...the rest of us cannot."

Leaning down to kiss her mother's sweating brow, she held her mother's hand over her own heart. "I promise, Mother."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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