Chapter 4

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Dust winds P.O.V
I woke up, shivering.
It sure doesn't take long to get cold...! I mewed to myself.
I deeply yawn and placed my head on my paws, to lazy to get up from my cozy moss yet.
"I'll get up, and do clan duties!" I thought outloud.
Fire fur twitched. "Whoops... Almost woke' em up" I whispered.
I creeped out of the den, and the light was shining.
Muscle fang was roaming around.
"Hi!" I greeted.
Muscle fang replied with a flick of his tail, saying hi.
I padded around camp and wondered what duties I could do.
I rushed back to muscle fang. "Um, could I do clan duties today?" I asked.
Muscle fang examined me. "Ok, what....kind of duties?" He asked.
"Clean the apprentice bedding and hunt for the elders and clan" I told muscle fang.
Muscle fang thought for a long moment. "Hmm.... Ok, sounds good, just go get some more rest to have lots of energy" he told me, and swept away.
I nodded. I AM tired.... I told myself, yawning.
I padded back to the warrior den and curled up in the exact moss I was in before.
I woke up later, and cats were roaming around the camp, for example, dawn frost, rain pelt and muscle fang. "Time for my duties!" I excitedly said, running up to muscle fang.
"Yes" muscle fang laughed. "You can hunt first" he explained.
"Ok" I nodded and padded out the gorse tunnel. "I'll hunt at cave mount, or what ever that place is called?" I mewed, then climbed the steep cliff.
I could loads of prey, so I went in a hunters crouch as I saw a fat mouse.
I crept up on it, and pounced on it, and I crushed it with my paws.... Oops...
"Uh... Crushed it.... Whoops! The elders will still eat it..." I sighed.
I slightly giggled and caught a few more mice, so I caught... 5 of them!
I snuck up on a pile of voles, and killed all 7.
I took my 7 voles and 5 mice to sunning River, I caught 4 fish there and 3 rabbits.
"This is loads of prey!!" I gasped happily.
I spun around to the path, and journeyed back to camp, with my 5 mice, 7 voles, 4 fish and 3 rabbits.
"Help" I muffledly mewed.
Muscle fang came dashing over. "Oh, my!" He gasped. "That's.....that's a lot of prey" he purred.
I plopped them all down infront of him.
"I'll take a vole each for the elders" I suggested, lifting up 3, juicey voles.
Muscle fang nodded, and carried the rest of the prey to the fresh kill pile.
I gave the voles to shining pelt, frog spin and plum claw. "Here, it's fresh, I just hunted them" I offered.
"Thanks" all the elders thanked.
Dawn frosts P.O.V
I shifted in my nest, and woke up.
I looked around, and only seen heart tail and fire fur.
I guess dust winds wondered off I thought.
As I padded out of the Warriors den, I seen dust wind Coke out of the elders den.
Dust wind ran over.
"Hi!" He mewed.
"Hello" I purred, touching noses with dust wind.
"I thought you were awake, when I waked up?" Dust wind questioned.
"Oh... I went back to sleep" I explained.
"Oh" dust wind nodded, and trotted off.
I sat where I was.
dust winds P.O.V
This was it! This is the day I'm telling fire fur the news...
I ran into the Warriors den, I sat in a nest, and fire fur was awake.
"Hello, dust wind" fire fur purred, touching his muzzle against mine.
"I...I need to tell you something" I quickly said, a mewl came from my mouth. "OWCH!" I squealed.
"Ok, ok, what is it..?" Fire fur asked, worried.
"I...I'm expecting your kits... Now!!!" I screeched.
Fire fur gasped, then we ran to the nursery.
Clover tail came dashing in. "It's time!" Me gasped.
"Y...yes!" I hissed in pain.
clover tail quickly gave me a stick and poppy seeds.
"Bite down on the stick when you feel pain" clover tail instructed.
"O..ok" I simply mewled.
I pushed and a kit came out, as I bit the stick.
Another kit came out as I pushed and bit the stick.
"That's all" clover tail purred, licking the kits and pushing them to my belly.
"Well done!" I heard ice pelt cheer.
"Good job" delhiclaw purred,
I smiled back, and licked my kits clumpy fur.
Fire fur smiled at the site of our kits, and sat down beside me.
Clover tail purred, then looked over his shoulder as he left.
"Hmm.... Shall we name this one bat kit?" I asked, pointing at a black Tom.
"Ok, great name!" Fire fur purred.
"Can we name this one tangerine kit?" Fire fur asked, pointing at a pure orange she-cat.
"Of course!" I purred.
We sat there for a while, till it was moon high, as the kits suckled.
Fire fur waved his tail good-bye and ran to the Warriors den, as it rained.
I snuggled close to my kits, I was in the nest at the back of the den, and ice pelt and delhiclaw put their kits closer to them too.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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