My cousin.

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My cousin Lance is like my twin, another me, but ginger. He's like a Weasley, even though he wants to be a Potter. I remember how we would hang out all the time. When his mom was pregnant with his younger brother, he would always come over to my house. We would do stupid stuff.

Like this one time, we saw a shampoo bottle and saw the killer whale on it. We thought it was a way to turn into an orca. We took the bottle and put the shampoo on our heads, and waited. And waited...and waited some more...

We ended up needing a shower and we were upset we didn't turn into killer whales.

Another time, this was when I was about 11, I was spending  the night at Lance's house, and he was already asleep. I sat there, watching horror movies, anime, and anything else I could watch. Lance started giggling in his sleep. I looked at him, and tried to figure out what he was dreaming about. He started wheezing from laughing too hard. I shook him, and he looked. He told me he wasn't actually asleep, but he was remembering that time we told everyone that we were twins from different universes. I wheezed along with him.

Or yesterday, we were sitting in the dirt, and throwing rocks and being teenagers. He took a stick, and threw a rock in the air, trying to hit it. On his 10th try, he hit it, and it flew. I covered my head, waiting for the rock to fall. I opened an eye, and saw that he hadn't hit the rock, and he was dying laughing. I asked him what was so funny, and he said when he hit the rock, it came up and hit him in the face. I laughed too.

Also, the biggest problem I had with Lance, was that everyone thought we were dating! I remember us in 3rd grade. We where walking around, laughing and giggling, when a teacher came up to us and told us that she heard we were dating, and that it had to stop. I was shocked. Lance told the teacher that we were cousins, and we weren't dating. The teacher stopped, and left with the blankest stare I had ever seen.

Man, the stuff me and Lance would call us stupid.

I call us just super close. He's like a guy version of me, like I mentioned. He's got the smart side of my brain, and I've got the stupid side of his brain. We have fought before, but when we do, we snort, and laugh at each other. And we both have terrible tempers. Trust me, I've seen Lance be mad. It gets ugly.

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