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Just a quick something I decided to write. A few days ago I got the inspiration for this while listening to a few of my favourite songs so once I had the idea I couldn't rest until I had it completely written out. Though I do admit that it did take a while to get this exactly the way I wanted it.

Also I want to apologise to those of you who are reading my other story Dark Desires. I haven't been uploading lately since I'm having serious writers block with it. Being on holiday and having to rely on the hotels wifi is also making things a bit more difficult but I'll try my hardest :D




Things had changed a lot between you two recently. Long gone was the gentle and caring man you had fallen in love with. Instead you now lived with a cold hearted stranger.

Everything had been wonderful in the beginning. He took you on dates, bought you gifts and flowers. He told you he loved you and he meant it. You had been together for 10 years, 6 of those being as husband and wife. You thought you had met the man of your dreams. You thought he was the one for you.


Nowadays he'd leave before you woke up and he'd come home long after you'd gone to bed. You rarely saw each other and when you did you didn't exchange words. No more sweet nothings whispered in your ear, no more stolen glances and passionate kisses. The random texts telling you he loved you and hoped you had a good day had stopped long ago - in fact these days you were lucky if you even got a 'hello' out of him. He lived his own separate life, the only thing you shared was the house you lived in.

But still you stayed. Still you had faith. Still you loved him. Of course it was obvious that the feeling was one sided story but you still held on. You held onto your love for him in the hope that one day he would return to you. That he would return to your heart.

It had become your daily routine to come home after work and be alone. You did the chores, watched some TV, cooked dinner and ate alone. Of course you would leave some for him but you woke up every morning with the untouched plate lying on the table. You cried yourself to sleep every night. It had been the same for the last few months and as sad as it sounded you found a strange kind of comfort in your routine. Truth be told in the beginning you were absolutely devastated. How had your undisputed love turned into this? Where had the man you had known and loved for over a decade gone? Now though, you had come to terms with how rapidly things had gone downhill. At least things couldn't get any worse than they were now.

Or so you thought.

It was just another day for you. It was the anniversary of your first date though you doubted your husband remembered let alone gave a damn. But as usual you still made an effort. You cleaned the whole house, cooked his favourite dish and even made a little effort in your appearance though he obviously wouldn't see it.

It was just after 11pm and you were about to go bed. He wasn't due home for at least another couple hours so you let the tears fall freely as you went about your business but you heard the front door shut. It couldn't be him, could it?

You heard heavy footsteps that you identified as his heading towards the living room and before you knew it he was there with you. Leaning against the frame of the door arrogantly. You hastily wiped away your tears as you ducked your head and tried to walk out the room. However to your complete and utter surprise he grabbed your wrist and tugged you back towards him. For a second your heart soared. Maybe he'd come back to you! Maybe.

"We need to talk." he said in his deep baritone voice that still sent shivers down your spine.

Ah. Maybe not.

You gave him a bitter smile and walked back into the living room. You decided not too long ago that if this day was to come you would look him proudly in the eyes and never shed a tear in his presence. You told yourself that he didn't deserve to see you hurt. He didn't deserve to see that despite how he treated you, you still loved him. So you squared your shoulders and with your head held high you sat on the seat opposite him.

"Okay. Go ahead." you answered in a voice you barely recognised as yours. It had been a while since you had spoken. These days you had no one to speak to.

He seemed a bit perturbed by your attitude but you thought nothing of it. He may have noticed that you had changed but he certainly didn't acknowledge that he was the one responsible for it. Or maybe he just didn't care. He looked down at his lap for a few minutes as he played with his fingers. It was a habit of his, whenever he was deep in thought he would do it. That little action confirmed what was about to happen. So you just sat as calmly as you could and waited for the inevitable.

"I'm leaving you." he murmured in that voice you loved so much. You noticed that he couldn't look you in the eyes while he told you this. In your world that counted as a small victory. Perhaps finally he was feeling a fraction of the pain you had been carrying around with yourself.

You gave him a small nod. He seemed to be waiting for screaming and shouting from you but after a few more minutes of silence passed by he started talking again.

"I just don't love you anymore. I don't know how or when it happened but when I look at you I feel nothing. When I touch you I feel nothing. Nothing." he said. Though you noticed that it seemed that he was explaining to himself rather than you. Again you gave a small nod. You knew all of this. It was old news to you. Yet again he seemed to be waiting for some type of reaction but when you remained silent he said the words that delivered the final blow to your heart.

"I met someone else." he said. You could feel your heart slowly shattering and by the expression on his face he could see it too. But you stayed strong. Not a single tear escaped. You gave a small nod again.

He stood up, took some papers out of his pocket and laid them on the table.

"They're divorce papers." he said. "I signed them already so all you have to do is add your signature and fax them to my lawyer. You get half of everything and the house as well."

And those were his final words to you. He simply turned around and left. Your marriage had ended in less than hour. 10 years of being together, doing everything for each other. Six years of being his wife and staying by his side through everything. All it took was a few papers to end it.


The next morning the first thing you did was call the lawyer. You told him you didn't want a single thing. You told him your husband could keep his money and his house. You knew he was only giving them you because he wanted to wash his hands of you. So after you received the new divorce papers you signed them and sent them back to the lawyer.


You called your family and told them what had happened. You packed up your clothes and a few other things you couldn't bare to be parted from like your wedding video and photo album.

Your brother came with his car and picked you up. You looked back at the house that held so many memories for you - good and bad. You thought you would be sad leaving it all behind but strangely enough you only felt lighter. Like something had been lifted from your shoulders


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