Chapter 2

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Flash forward to 3 months later. Bates hasn't tried anything with me since I told on him, but he has started something new ever since... Take last Thursday for instance, my older brother Thomas spilled the juice he was pouring in Jakes cup and Bates grabbed a broomstick and hit him in leg and told him to clean it up now. Also yesterday I was cleaning my room and he came in five minutes after I started to clean and threw a basket at me because I wasn't done. Of course me being only nine and him being thirty-one I couldn't do anything about it and I knew if I told my mom she would say it wasn't true. She's been doing that a lot lately pretending that nothing's been happening when something clearly has. If I stay up late enough at night I can hear them yelling at each other. One night my mom was yelling at Bates and then I heard a loud thud and I didn't hear anything after that. It doesn't take a lot to figure out what happened tho even for a nine year old. She came out with a black eye the next day. She told everyone she ran into the corner of her closet door but a closet door doesn't leave that kind of bruise. It got worse everyday, I walked home slowly after school everyday. My teachers were starting to take notice of my unusual behavior and were asking me dumb questions. Well I guess looking back they weren't really dumb, but I guess for my nine year old self yeah they were pretty dumb. One time when Bates hit me in the forehead with a toy baton stick it left a really big purple bruise. My teacher sent me to the counsellors office and she asked me how I got the bruise. I said I ran into a rocking chair... I don't think she believed me because she kept calling me into her office to "talk" but I knew she just wanted to see if I would say anything. I always thought she suspected something was wrong at home but just like everyone else she didn't say anything she just sat in the shadows and watched as my childhood was ripped away. Two days later I was walking home from school and I was a block away from my house when my moms black car pulled. She told me to get in now and don't ask questions. When I got in I saw my two brothers. She pulled out of neighborhood and went a couple of miles before parking in an abandoned lot. She stopped the car and turned around and said "I'm leaving your dad." My little brother Jake started to cry and Thomas asked "why?" Mother replied with "I'm sick of what Bates is doing to you guys and me." Jake whimpered "But why? Just give him a second chance mommy." "No" yelled mom. "He's hurt this family enough and I'm tired of it." I thought she was really going to do it. Leave him, but sure enough not even a week later she was back in his arms. He stopped doing things to us...for about a week. Mother totally ignored the fact that it hadn't stopped but one night I decided I've had enough and I fought back... That did not end well.
//////////////////////////////////Hey guys! Sorry I took so long to update I've had a lot on my mind, but I'm going to try and update every week!

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