-Chapter Three-

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Two days Later...

My hand slowly moved across Stiles' bare back. It was already noon, and neither of us were getting up soon. Stiles, I could tell, was deep in thought. He tried to act like he wasn't by shoving his face into the crook of my neck. But I could see right through that handsome face of his. Suddenly his head raised, and rested on my chest. I smiled down at him. "I wanna show you something," he stated. I wanted to laugh at how determined he looked, but I settled for a nod. "But it requires us to get up." I nodded before grabbing my phone and checking the time.

"If you get ready in five minutes, I'll make the hour drive and buy you Dutch Bros.," I bargained. His eyes lit up before he scrambled out of bed. He walked into our closet, looking at his side before mine. "I'll meet you in the truck babe!" I called out before grabbing my keys. I walked downstairs and slipped on my brown combat boots since it was freezing outside. Even for a werewolf, it was still cold as hell. That was proven as I opened the front door, making a huge gust of freezing cold air hit me. I shivered and walked to my truck. Good thing I got the heater fixed. I slipped into the truck and quickly started it. "Come on Stiles," I whispered. After a few minutes I saw him walk out of the house, my sweatshirt in his arms. When he got into the truck he threw it at me.

"Your welcome," he growled. I chuckled before leaning over and pecking his cheek. My eyes fell onto his own sweatshirt, making me smile. It was one of my old sweatshirts from when I went to San Fransisco, and it was a whole new definition of baggy. The one he got me was my plain black one that was just slightly baggy.

"Put on some music," I told Stiles. He nodded and got out his phone. I hurriedly slipped on my sweatshirt before putting the truck in drive. Pretty soon Taylor Swift was blaring through my speakers, and the love of my life was screaming along to it.


"Okay, we are here." Stiles smiled as he got out of the truck, his coffee in hands. I grabbed my coffee before getting out and following Stiles inside his childhood home. I don't get what he wants to show me...I've been in this house plenty of times to know everything about it. Nonetheless I still followed him. We made our way up to his room in silence. "Where are we going Stiles?" I asked as he walked into his room and over to the closet.

"This house is a four bedroom house, but we only have three because my dad had one sealed off. It was two months after my mom died, and everything that had to do with her was in that room," he explained. He put his coffee down before he started dig around in his closet. I watched from his bed, sipping on my warm coffee. "He doesn't know that I've been sneaking in there since I was nine. No one knows about it...only you and I." He pulled off a board to his closet, revealing the opening to another room.

"Why are you showing me this?" I asked.

"Because I was in here a week ago...and I found something," he told me. I nodded and stood up, walking over to him. "Go in," he pushed. I smiled and walked through the makeshift doorway. I froze as I saw the room. One wall consisted of only books, just like our room. There was a desk to my right, and a couch to my left. The sun was shining through the blinds, making the lilac walls look even more beautiful.

"Oh my god," I whispered. Stiles walked towards the desk and picked up some papers. He then set them on the coffee table before grabbing a book from one of the many shelves.

"Do you like it? I had to unpack everything after my dad packed it, but I have it exactly as she did-"

"Stiles, it's beautiful. You did a good job," I praised. He smiled before beckoning me over to the couch.

"So, I was in here and was reading one of my moms books. I never understood it, until now." He opened the book and pointed to the heading of the chapter.

"Delta?" I read aloud. He nodded before handing me a piece of paper.

"For as long as I can go back, it's been happening. All the way from 1967 to my mom." I looked at the paper. Apparently everyone from his mothers side has died from a disease. Not anything else, only a disease. I looked up at Stiles, he just shoved the book into my hands. I stared down at the pages.

"Delta: Their way of evolving is slowly dying from a disease. It only shows as a disease, but it's really their power in the bloodline being passed down. When they do finally get to their full strength, they must join the pack to learn how to control it. Only the most skilled deltas get to return home." I looked up at Stiles.

"Derek...I think that my mom was one of those. That could mean-"

"That your mother could still be alive."

Authors Note;
This chapter is dedicated to deanwinchest13 Thank you for helping me with the idea.

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