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Chapter 10 Verse 21:

Aadityanam Aham Vishnu:

Among Aadityas I am VISHNU.

Question: Among twelve Aadityas why only Vishnu and not other?


12 (twelve) Adityas represent 12 (twelve) months (according to Solar Calendar). But during the age of Rigveda, the speed of earth's revolution and rotation was more hence they were divided into 8 months. These 8 (eight) months were named the sons of Aditi and Kashyap rishi. They are in the following chronological order:

1. Varun

2. Mitra

3. Aryaman(Aryama)

4. Bhag

5. Ansh (Anshuman)

6. Dhatri (Dhata)

7. Indra

8. Vayu (Martand)(Vivaswan)

Later, the speed of earth's revolution and rotation decreased and calculation of the time changed. Initially it was 10 hour a day and one year contained 124 days. During this period the sons of Aditi got added from 8 to 12. The distribution hence, was done once again and it has been mentioned in the Bhagvat Puran as under:

1.Varuna – One who resides under water

2.Mitra – One who resides in/on the moon and sea

3.Aryama – One who resides in wind/breeze

4.Bhaga – One who resides in the body of every living being

5.Anshumana – One who resides in the wind/breeze (anshu,vidhata,surya)

6.Dhata (Dhatra) – One who creates life

7.Indra – One who destroys the enemies of Deva/God

8.Parjanya (Savitra) (Savita) – One who brings/generates rain

9.Tvashta (Vishvakarma) – One who resides in the trees and roots

10.Vishnu – The chief of all Adityas

11.Pushya (Pausha, Pusan) – One who grows/reaps food grains

12.Vivaswana – Agni (fire) and cooked food

The above mentioned 12 names are stated in the Ling Purana, Vedanta and Mythological Hinduism. The Vishnu Purana and Chandhogya Upanishada also follow the same. In the Brahmina Granthas the ninth Aditya Tvashta is named Yama but in other epics/granthas, he is named Vivaswana, tenth Surya in place of Vishnu, eleventh Daksha in place of Pushya and twelfth its written Ravi in place of Vivaswana. It might have been possible that the 8 Adityas and later their other names were termed on their rebirth or after their sons and grandsons based on the 12 months, during the Rigveda Age.

If, viewed in other dimension, the 12 Adityas are the representatives of Aries (Mesh) and other zodiac signs, serially. The order of this Aries in Lunar month is in the order of Chaitra-Vaishakh (lunar months) etc. In this order, their is Vrishchika (Scorpion) sun in the end of Kartik and the beginning of Margshirsha. These all zodiac signs have their individual Adityas. Vishnu is the Aditya of this...................and in all these Adityas, and spoken by Krishna to Arjuna in Gita that Vishnu is the best/greatest I am that.

Similarly, the Margshirsha month is also the best because the month begins the transition of Aditya in all the constellation. Therefore in the shloka 35, in Chapter-10 Krishna stated, "Masanam Margashirshohum" (Among the months I am Margshirsha).