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"Hmmm," I tried to gauge how I would look to people in my classic 'vampire' clothing. "Nah," I shook my head, deciding against it. "I look a little bit too gothic. Probably getting rid of the stockings would help."

Plopping down on the edge of my bed, I removed the black fish net stockings and got back up to judge my appearance in the tall full length mirror.

"Yep, that looks better." I smiled, feeling a little like the cocky vampire I was to act like. "Thank God for weird parents for I am pretty sure I would look ridiculous right now."

Just then, I heard a blaring horn outside and immediately knew who it was, Henry. He was some old guy's college kid drop out that my parents apparently pulled strings to drive me to school. Jeez...I should really be grateful. Well, I guess you have to just call me unappreciative then.

I opened my window after putting in my red eye contacts and shoved my head through the window.

"Calm down, you idiot!" I shouted at the red faced jerk who was in his red 1973 Cadillac convertible. "I'll be there in five minutes."

He blares his horn one more time and I glare at him. He stopped immediately, but no matter what, I knew he was going to find some other way of annoying me.

I grabbed my almost empty black knapsack bag as I slipped my bare feet into some heavy combat boots before trudging down the stairs to the kitchen.

As usual, my mom was in bed and dad probably didn't come in last night, so I was practically alone in this big modern house of mine, a latest acquisition of my parents. We have so many houses, I don't know where to call home or even if I have one. But I guess it was better than living in tents and broke down houses. I mean, I had somewhere to live after all.

Taking out three toaster strudels, I throw them in the toaster and when done, put them in a plastic container whilst chugging down some orange juice. I would have to buy an espresso on my way to school for me to even function in first period today.

Modeling out of the house with a piece of toaster strudel already in my mouth since I couldn't resist any longer, I get into the car that Henry treats like a baby.

He began to roll his eyes at me, but stopped remembering last week Friday morning episode I figured.

"Aren't you seventeen?" He inquired instead, the same question that almost everyone seems to ask me whether with their mouth or eyes. Or even both.

"Aren't you twenty-one and unemployed and unemployable?" I retorted and that quickly shut him up which was fine by me. I was planning to do most of the talking anyways. "We're stopping at Sky's Flower and Coffee shop for awhile. I want my espresso before I get ballistic in here."

The last part was really unnecessary, but it sure served its purpose of getting him to drive faster. We finally reached there at the coffee shop and I had to kick him out of the car in order for him to retrieve my espresso.

"And hurry up you lazy ass!" I called out. "I am starving so bad that I wouldn't mind draining your blood out of your body right now if I am late for school."

Some people stared at me with horror and I just rolled my eyes before sticking back my head into the ancient vehicle. Lucky thing the top was up and the car had a modern touch of an air conditioner because I was pretty sure I would explode otherwise.

A good ten minutes later, Henry came back with my espresso and a croissant. I was sure I would be late to school now.

"Oh, wow," I told him sarcastically taking the espresso from his hand. "You really are quick."

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