Cupid's Daughter

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Here the First chapter of my newest Story!  Hope you Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Cupid's Daughter


Dear Cupid's Daughter,

There is this guy in my first period history class that I've liked for quite some time now. In class he is supper nice and seems to really like me. Yet outside class it's like he ignores me. So I'm getting mixed singles here. I really like this guy, what should I do?

Cupid's Daughter

Dear Allison1426,

Have you ever tried talking to him outside class? It's possible that he may be feeling the same way you are, getting mixed singles. Next time in class ask him if he wants to hangout after school or something. Saying "hangout" will take off the pressure of expectations and by adding the "something" leaves room for him to feel as though he suggested it. If he says yes, which he will, you are as good as gold.

With love

Cupid's daughter!


Dear Cupid's Daughter,

You hooked me up last year with the guy of my dreams; thank you! Yet for weeks now he's been dropping hints that he wants to be more intimate with me. You know he wants to have sex. And I'm not so sure I'm ready to go that far yet. I do love him, and I have thought about being with him like that, but I'm not ready to turn the fantasy into a reality yet. And I'm afraid that if I don't take that next level with him than I may lose him. What should I do?

Cupid's Daughter

Dear Kayla1758,

From what you've told me two years ago, I have to believe that if you told him you're not ready for the next level then he'd understand. Tell him that you caught on to the hints, and even though you love him with everything in you and have thought of being with him like that, you just not ready yet. If he truly loves you like I know he does he'll understand and wait till you're ready to take it to that next level! Don't worry you won't lose him, just trust him to understand.

With love

Cupid's daughter!


Dear Cupid's Daughter,

I feel a little weird writing to you since most of you clients are women, not that I'm sexist it's just....I need you help? I'm dating this girl that I feel head over heels for last year, and even though I still like her she has become intensely demanding and changed who I was and I don't like who I've become. And every time I start revert back she scolds me. I need to break up with her without hurting her, Please help!

Cupid's Daughter

Dear David1996,

If she trying to change you then chances is she not in love with you, you're basically her safety net. I know that sounds mean but it's true. Just tell her that you don't like that she demanding you to change and break up with her. She won't be hurt in fact in a few days she'll have some new poor guy ready to change his life for her. When you ready to find someone who will actually care about you, write me back.

With love

Cupid daughter!

I'm Lindy-Love Blythe, I know great name Lindy-Love, but I was told that's what my dad wanted to name me. You see I've never met my dad; he left the day after I was born. My mother said he left because he had to, not because he wanted to. She told me that he loved us so fiercely and hated to leave but had no choice. Yet when I ask her why he had to leave she never answered that question, she just keeps saying I'll understand one day. Do I believe it? Not sure yet.

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