Jamie Love

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I'm going to need all you guys help to continue it!

I need you all to comment on how I'm doing, what you like, what you don't like! I need suggestions on what you would like to see happen! I need questions! And don't forget to Vote!

P.S. if you don't feel comfortable about commenting, feel free to send me a private message!

Hope you enjoy!

Jamie Love

"Beatrice is sixteen, her boyfriend Josh is eighteen. They've been dating for a year, now Beatrice finds out she is two months pregnant. She first tells Josh, and he does not want a baby and pushes Beatrice to get an abortion. But Beatrice's mother is totally against abortion and pushes Beatrice towards giving the baby up for adoption. Beatrice doesn't know what she wants, what should she do?" Professor Kesher asking giving us a case in abortion for our ethics class discussion today.

"Well if she and her boyfriend decided they were responsible enough to have sex, then they should be responsible enough to raise the child they've made." A girl Valerie commented.

"But if she does not want to have a baby right now then she should be allowed to get an abortion, it's her body." A boy Charlie answered.

"The baby is a living thing you can't just murder an innocent baby that had no choice in the matter." Another girl Amy rebutted.

"Well if they didn't want baby, then her boyfriend should have gotten her pregnant." Charlie shot back.

"But he did, and now they both have to live with what they decide no matter the consequence. To have the baby and raise it." Valerie stated.

"Well ethically it is her body; she and she alone has to decide what's right for her. Weather she decide to abort or have the baby. Weather she keeps it or gives it up for adoption. Morally it depends on what she believed is the right thing to do." I added.

"You speak of morality, in your own opinion what advice would you give Beatrice?" Professor Kesher asked.

I sat quietly for a moment, my opinion, in my job I have to stay open minded and seeing my client's point of view when working. But personally what would tell her? "To do what she feel is right for her. If you were mature and responsible enough to have sex, then you should be mature and responsible enough to handle the consequence and make the right choice." I gave my response.

"No one has anything to add?" Professor Kesher asked. The class reminded silent processing my answered when the classroom door swung opened; the guy from earlier with the dark spiked hair and intense grey eyes, Rafe. He handed Kesher his schedule and raised his eyes to meet mine.

"Okay Mr. Heart, take a seat next to Miss Blythe, Lindy raise your hand." Kesher demanded as I did what I was told. "We are done with discussion today, but before everyone leaves today I want a one page journal entry of your opinion on abortion and what you would do if you were in Beatrice position."


"So Lindy is it?" Rafe asked me after class.

"Yeah, I'm Lindy. Nice to meet you." I said sticking out my hand to shake his.

"Yeah, same here," He reply shaking my hand as that sly smile play across his face again and this weird connection went through me.

"Hey Lindy, if we are late to history again, Professor Gillen will personally kick us out the academy doors. Especially on test day." Emily said walking passed me breaking our connection but stopped once she noticed who I was talking to, "oh hey."

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