Cupid's Son

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Cupid's Son

Shout out to Chinola_Playz for the Idea

I'm going to need all you guys help to continue it!

I need you all to comment on how I'm doing, what you like, what you don't like! I need suggestions on what you would like to see happen! I need questions! And don't forget to Vote!

P.S. if you don't feel comfortable about commenting, feel free to send me a private message!

Hope you enjoy!

This chapter is going to have be part Ethan's POV just to try it out let me know if I should continue with Ethan's POV or if I should keep it all in Lindy's POV


Ethan's POV

"Lindy, are you going to be okay?" I asked her as we walked into her dorm room, she was quiet the entire ride back to school.

"Eighteen years. Why now?" she whispered I think more to herself than to me, then placed the locket she was holding on her desk.

"Here," I said going over to her dresser and pulled out light blue sleep pants and grey top handing them to her. "Now go change," I pushed her into her bathroom and closed the door. A few minutes later she open the door dressed in her night clothes and crawl into bed. "Now go to sleep, we figure stuff out tomorrow," I assured her as I pulled the covers over her and turned out the light and open the door to leave.

"Ethan," she called before I could leave. "Can you stay with me? Please?"

"Sure," I said I closed and lock the door as she held up her night time sky comforter and I slid into her bed next to her as I turn on my side and face her.

"Eighteen years Ethan. He missed eighteen years of my life. If he couldn't be there before, why can he be here now?" She asked.

"Get some sleep, we can talk about it tomorrow," I t old her tucking a piece hair that had fallen in her beautiful face behind her ear, then grabbing her hand. She squeezed my hand, smiled, and closed her eyes. I rolled on to my back and stared at ceiling, it was silent for a few minutes when I heard Lindy whimper. She then slid close and buried her head into my chest as she begin sobbing. "It'll be okay Lindy, you're going to be okay," I whispered to her as I smoothed down her hair and wrapped my arms around her body that fits tightly to my side. I lightly run my fingertips up and down her arm while her sobs stop and her breathing slowed as she fell asleep. I tighten my arms around her kissed the top of her head, "you going to be okay, promise," I told the sleeping beauty in my arms and fell asleep listening to her breathe.


Lindy's POV

I awoke in Ethan's arms, for a moment I smiled then last night ran through my head and I only snuggled closer to Ethan. I like the feeling of Ethan's arms around me, just like when he hugs me I feel safe and protected. Not that I needed to be protected from anything, but if I ever did I knew I had Ethan. My best friend always there for me. I laid there a few more minutes when my computer binged; I looked over at the clock that read nine-twenty-eight and my column post is due at twelve. I slowly and quite slipped out of Ethan's sleeping arms and sat at my computer and opened my Cupid's Daughter site.


Dear Cupid's Daughter,

I think my boyfriend of a year is cheating on me with my best friend. I afraid if I confront her or him and I am wrong I may loss one of them. I have known my best friend since forever and I don't know if I can get along without her. Yet my boyfriend is the first boy I ever loved and I'm not ready to let that go? What should I do?

Cupid's Daughter

Dear Dena4356,

The only way to find out the truth is to confront them. This may sound like a cliché but if they both love you as much as they say then there is an explanation to whatever tipped you off. If they love you then they wouldn't do anything to hurt you. And if your suspicions are correct then they never truly cared, because someone who loves you wouldn't do that. Talk to them! It is the only way to find the truth!

With love

Cupid's Daughter

The next entry confused me is was from user Cupid's Son which is impossible all students has to sign in with their student ID. That's how I know who I'm helping. Not only does it confuse me but it scares me, how can someone send me a letter without a student ID. Yet besides my odd feeling I opened the note anyway.

Cupid's Son

Dear Cupid's Daughter,

I have a problem and I need your help. I feel this strong connection to two different girls. Both very beautiful and extremely sweet. However I'm not sure if I feel a connection to one because I know who she is and we are one of the same or if this connection is something completely new. Although I never had a connection like I have with the other girl as well. One wrong move could change my life forever. What should I do?

Cupid's Daughter

Dear Cupid's son,

I'm not sure how much help I can be without knowing who you are. I'm even more curious on how you were able to send me a letter without logging in to the site with your student ID. But I will try, I can't help but to help. So here goes my best shot. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the statement that you and this one girl are one of the same. However it is possible that if you and this girl have something special in common that a connection can be drawn from that. If you have a completely different connection with the other girl, than chances are it is just that common connection your feeling. But before do anything you need to define each connection between the two girls, once you do that you'll know what to do. Best of luck to you!

With love

Cupid's Daughter

I tried my best to help and I hoped it helps him out but since he does not have a normal user name I check the hide from column box and went on the answer the rest of my letters.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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