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Olive's POV

I stayed at Tyler's the whole night explaining what the curse was, how to stop from breaking free and how I could make it hurt less.

I walk into the forest just before receiving a call from Jeremy. "Have you seen Elena?" He asks over the phone

"No, why?' I wonder

"Because she didn't come home and even if she did, she didn't stay long cause her bed hasn't been slept in." He states

"Ok, I'll ask Stefan, alright." I sigh before hanging up and calling Stefan.

"Hello?" Mutters Stefan

"Hey Stef, Jeremy, I and Jenna have to know if Elena wants to sleep over your place." I say

"Elena didn't sleep over, we're still fighting." He frowns

"I'll have a look round town and call you if I can't find her." I mumble hanging up and start searching for Elena.

*3rd Person POV*

Stefan walks up to Bonnie and asks if she can break the seal on the tomb and she replies with, "It took both me and my grams to open it the first time. I can't do it."

"But I can open the door and talk to her right." Stefan wonders

"Yeah, but Damon's right, Katherine's not going to tell you anything without something in return." States Bonnie

"I know, but I have to do something. I have no idea who has Elena. I have no idea where she is." Stresses Stefan

Bonnie says she has no other idea but she has to get to class.

Stefan then walk outside the school and heads towards the tomb to talk to Katherine before calling Olive.

*3 Hours Later - Olive's POV*

Stefan calls me, "Have you found her?"

"Sorry Stef." I sigh

"Do you have any idea of where she could be?" He asks

"The guy in the mask! Robbie!" I exclaim

"Who's Robbie? Who's the guy in the mask?" He wonders

"I thought Elena knew him cause she was talking to him just before she walked away with him. But now I realise it was Robbie." I gasp

"Fine, but who's Robbie?" He questions

"A friend. Of sorts. I know where they are! I'll go get Elena, you talk to Katherine." I reply

"Why do I need to talk to Katherine?" He mutters knowing I won't give him a good answer.

"You just do, and drag Damon along, it'll get him out of the house." I mumble hanging up and getting in my car and driving miles away from Mystic Falls to an abandoned mansion.

*3rd Person POV*

A woman with short dark hair asks a man, "How is she?"

"Still passed out." Replies the man as Elena starts to move from her spot on the couch.

"You didn't touch her did you?" The woman questions the man

"Give me some credit." Retorted the man

After a small pause the man wondered"So you called him?"

"No, I called one of his contacts. You know how this works." Sighs the woman as Elena starts to get off the couch

"Look, did you or did you not get the message to Elijah!" Exclaims the man

"They say he got it." The woman replies while Elena sticks her head into the room where they are speaking

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